MBC program 'What do you do? 'Yoo Jae-seok, a fixed performer, has been working on various projects based on relay and expansion this year, and has caused' Bucca 's syndrome by acting as' Heritage ',' Yoo Du-raegon ',' Jimi Yu '.
The so-called 'bucca marketing' is not only an entertainment program, but recently it has been used as a communication strategy with 2030 generations in food and Food industry.
The big mamma maesundae, run by bhc, is focusing on raising Brand awareness and building friendly image by introducing 'Sunja', a subsidiary in October following the official Instagram opening in September.
The Big Mamma Hamae Sundae is planning to expand the publicity on SNS while informing Brand by operating menus and humor contents that combine season issues with corners such as 'big mamma diary' dealing with the daily life of Sunja and 'big mamma solution' .
The target was Miwon's adverb and planned "An Interesting One." On the 5th, the happiness felt by delicious food will raise 'hung' and it will sell 'Hungmiwon', a special package, for about three months until December. In addition, the theme of 'Today's rich taste of the day' was on-air from October to advertise 'Empression', which deals with the contents of the young people's sympathy in everyday life.
In late August, Cora Cola released a video of an interview with Park Bo-gum Bonca on its official website and YouTube channel. In the interview video, you can see the chemistry created by Reporter Park Bo-gum and Coca-Cola model Park Bo-gum. Recently, Park Bo-gum, a reporter for the BUKAIN reporter, showed a picture of the autumn picture taken wearing the clothes in the video, which gave consumers pleasure.
Binggrae is a huge hit on social networks, offering character marketing aimed at Otaku (a Japanese slang word for people who are overly into their hobbies).
In late February, Binggrae unveiled the prince of the Kingdom of Binggrae, reminiscent of a prince in a genuine comic book, in the official Instagram, and Binggraeus became an explosive popularity and became a buccal.
An industry source said, "The lifestyle that aims to expand the scope of life based on personal interests is settled and consumers are also looking for their own buccals." "Food and Food industry is actively participating in creating buccals to appeal to younger generations, "He said.
Food and Food industry, communication with young people for the Treatment of San Francisco, while invigorating the Brand of marketing using the book, it is used as a strategy to appeal to the younger generation