Yoo Jae-Suk X Kim Jong-kook, Pyo Chang-won, who also caught the Running Man' gobs, were also surprised by the rich

SBS Running Man' members were encouraged by the appearance of criminal psychologists Pyo Chang-won and Detective Yoon Seok-ho, and performed a more realistic crime Murder, She Wrote Race.
Running Man', which was broadcast on September 6, was decorated with 'Provocative of Goose Running Man'. Previously, the Running Man' team received a favorable response from viewers by introducing 'Provocative of the Goose Running Man' as a 10th anniversary feature. So, we set up an interesting Murder, She Wrote Race, setting up a situation where the first imitation crime caused by the provocation of the first 'Ghost Running Man'.
With the ability to change according to their respective roles, the members decided their roles on a first come, first served basis. At the end of the Race, Murder, She Wrote, struggled to arrest one remaining gangster.
The biggest point of observation was the performance of the first generation Profiler-born criminal psychologist Pyo Chang-won, and the actual model of the movie "Crime City" actor Ma Dong-seok.
Pyo Chang-won and Yoon Seok-ho, who did not appear in the entertainment program, played the role of Profiler and Detective respectively on the broadcast, raising the tension to the maximum. Pyo Chang-won analyzed the members' actions, and Yoon Seok-ho Detective also captured the evidence by reenacting the breathtaking Choice process.
Kim Jong-kook, who was the unofficial investigative chief, continued to question the current Detective without being embarrassed. Yoo Jae-Suk also strained the gangs with a sharp Murder, She Wrote.
The members of the various Murders, She Wrote veils were naked, and the gongdo was Jeon Somin and Haha. Yoo Jae-Suk, Kim Jong-kook's point was right: Yoo Jae-Suk smiled confidently, saying, "I was right." Yoon Seok-ho Detective was also surprised by the performance of Yoo Jae-Suk and Kim Jong-kook.
Yoo Jae-Suk told the scientific Murder, Pyo Chang-won, who showed She Wrote, and Yoon Seok-ho, "Thanks to you two, I became chewy."