Park Bo-gum was vaccinated with a Cervical cancer.
In TVN Record of Youth' broadcast on the 15th, Won Hae-hyo (Wooseok) asked Ahn Jeong-ha (Park So-dam) to make up for a movie shooting scene while Park Bo-gum performed a Cervical cancer Vacination.
On that day, Sa Hye-joon and Won Hae-hyo rushed to the hospital at Kim Jin-woo's SOS request. Kim Jin-woo recommended a Cervical cancer shot. Earlier, Hannah Jeter told me to get a Cervical cancer shot to go to the world of 19 gold.
"Did you tell me to be a GFriend?" asked Sa Hye-joon. "Did you have a GFriend?" "Break up. "I do not know who we are," said Sa Hye-joon. "We seem to know." Won Hae-hyo said, "Are you meeting Hannah Jeter?" But Kim Jin-woo, who was proudly lying, said, "No." So Won Hae-hyo said, "I know it's not crazy yet, but I know it's not between family members."
Sa Hye-joon told Won Hae-hyo that he signed with Lee Min-jae (Shin Dong-mi). So Won Hae-hyo said, "What does Min-jae's sister know?" So, Sa Hye-joon said, "Your company did not refuse me, I refuse."
Meanwhile, Stable Pearl (Geo Ji-seung) apologized to Desiigner for not going to education the day before; Stable said: "I'm sorry, I haven't been educated and I haven't received a phone call." But Desiigner sarcastically said, "You really don't fit with me, I'll understand you, good boy."
Kim Yi-young (Shin Ae-ra) made a reservation with Ahn Jeong-ha and appeared. Kim Yi-young said, "Don't feel sorry. I will take it from Sam An Jeong-ha." I thought my son was more capable than comfortable, but I want to see it once because he says he is not a pearl. "
On this day, Sa Hye-joon went to the schedule with Lee Min-jae, who told Sa Hye-joon to sit in the back of the car, but eventually Sa Hye-joon moved to Lee Min-jae's side. "I want to be a simple star, I drive well," said Sa Hye-joon, "but Lee Min-jae said," The world is not like that. "
"There is no such thing as human and retribution," said Lee Min-jae. "I will keep my values." Lee Min-jae said, "I respect value. But keep my rights to business. "
Sa Hye-joon received makeup from Ahn Jung-ha. Ahn Jung-ha's senior Desiigner kept notice. Sa Hye-joon asked, "I'm a lot confused by Jin-ju Sam." "Don't let it in, it's my fight," said Stable.
"You should drink in front of me in the future, it's so cute," said Sa Hye-joon, who stabilized. "I hear a lot of such things." Won Hae-hyo said, "I want you to make up a movie this time." So, Sa Hye-joon said, "I am coming out of the movie." "If you do it, you will do it." Sa Hye-joon said, "It is against the virtue of the prize." Won Hae-hyo said, "Why did I ask for the prize?"
Pearl Desiigner deliberately spilled a drawer that An Jeong-ha had arranged, saying, "If only one person has to stay, that's definitely me.": TVN Record of Youth' broadcast capture