Producer team Divine channel, album full song MV Steel-cut oats released ..Chanyeol and Gaeko and Rupee

Producer team Divine Channel released their first album, Movie Steel-cut oats, which was filmed with Feature Jean.
Divine Channel (Im, Gwang Wuk, Karate) was Featured on its first album BYPRODUCT (By Product) through its official SNS account from the 29th to the 31st. (Feat. Lil Cherry, GOLDBUUDA), “Feat. Gaeko, Gwang-il Jo,” “Faded (Feat. Loopy, Chanyeol) 'Music video Steel-cut oats were posted sequentially.
The first 'Post It' Steel-cut oats Featured three The Artists who are free and unique in their individuality. Im, who smiles brightly with a beer can, Gwang Wuk, a heavily armed reel cherry with intense red color fashion, and Goldbuda with a hip charm attracted attention.
If 'Post It' Steel-cut oats were colorful and colorful, 'Mamma' Steel-cut oats gave a simple yet sophisticated feeling. Im, Gwang Wuk, Gaeko, and Gwang-il Jo in the photo attracted attention with their unique hip-hop swag, and the music video raises questions about what pictures will be unfolded.
The last released 'Faded' Steel-cut oats Featured Im, Gwang Wuk, Rupee and Chanyeol posing in dreamy lighting. The group cut of the three artists, reminiscent of a three-member hip-hop group, is also impressed.
BYPRODUCT, the first solo album by Divine Channel, which is leading K-POP and overseas trends by expanding its scope beyond Korea and around the world, has attracted hot topics among music industry officials since the launch planning stage. Especially, the genre of hip-hop is raised with their own color and emotion.
Divine Channel's first album, BYPRODUCT, will be released on September 3 at 6 pm on all domestic online soundtrack sites.
Photo: Codeshare