All The Butlers', Kim Dong-Hyun, who starred in the Martial Arts Day special Master, "I win Bruce Lee."

Kim Dong-Hyun explains why he can beat Lee with 1:1
SBS All The Butlers', which was broadcast on the afternoon of the 9th, was featured on the day of the martial arts. The first Master was Kim Dong-Hyun.
Lee Seung-gi, who is the winner of the reincarnation of Bruce Lee and Donghyun Lee, was introduced to various martial arts on the day. Kim Dong-Hyun said, "It is absolutely essential to be weighted," and said, "Of course, it is enormously strong and fast, but if I get hit, I can get K.O. But if you do not get a hit, I will win. "Lee Seung-gi said," My nickname is K.O. "and laughed at the crowd.
Tyson Fury appeared and Lee Seung-gi asked, "What happens if you stick with Tyson Fury?" Kim Dong-Hyun said, "It is difficult to do with Tyson Fury ... in fact." Kim Dong-Hyun said, "In fact, it is important to be weighted in martial arts." "If Tyson Fury is a miss, K.O."
On the other hand, SBS All The Butlers' is broadcast every Sunday at 6:30.