'Do' Oh Na-ra and Jung-young Kim hit again
MBC drama 'Do' leaves only two times to the end. While the truth workshop on the death of painter Inho (Nam Moon-chul), who left behind hundreds of billions of legacy, has continued, the development that can not predict anything until the end is stimulating viewers' curiosity.
In particular, in the 5th episode broadcast on the 6th, it was revealed that even painter's biological daughter, Kim Hye-joon, who showed her trying to find the truth more than anyone else, had a secret hidden in painter's death. The photo of painter’s visit to painter’s studio was released on the day of his death, which entangled trust and distrust among his family and foreshaDowed another blue.
Meanwhile, the production team of "Do" will focus attention on the 11th by unveiling a still cut that contains conflicts between WisDom (Oh Na-ra) and Sung Young (Jung-young Kim). The two people who have the most obvious cause to hate each other among the people gathered in the mansion have also been hit by the last three broadcasts. However, at that time, WisDom was forced to be unilaterally hit because he went to the village with no evidence.
WisDom in the public photo is different from the one he visited the Sulyoung with only his feelings. He looks colder in front of the Sulyoung. But the opposition to this is still a formidable charisma. The photos alone convey their tight conflicts and raise expectations for the show.
WisDom, who sometimes showed a slight greed, but a lack of hatred, but never as good as anything related to the light. The last time I expressed my anger to Sulyoung was when I went to the police for investigation. I wonder how WisDom will act to protect the light now that the suspicion of other family members is focused on the light because of the sudden appearance of the photo, and why he visited the snow in this process.
In this regard, "Do" said, "In the 7th episode of "Do" to be broadcast tomorrow (12th), you can see the performance of WisDom, a mother who awakened to protect the light. I hope that WisDom, who had Doubted the snow last time without any preparation, would have visited the snow this time with what evidence and what kind of conflict the two people would have in the future. "
'Do' will be broadcasted at 9:30 pm on the 12th.
Photo = MBC