Song Hye-kyo Donation, SEO Professor Kyoung-Duk and 10,000 more copies to the Korean National Association (official)

Actor Song Hye-kyo and SEO Kyoung-Duk donated Korean English guides to the United States of America LA Korean National Association.
Actor Song Hye-kyo, who has been donating Korean guides to the World Independence movement site, and SEO Kyoung-Duk, a professor at Sungshin Women's University, have donated 10,000 copies of Korean and English guides to the United States of America's Korean National Association. ...
The donation was the second time this year as part of the World Independence movement Relics and Guide Refill Project, which started last year, following the Chongqing Provisional Government Office.
“It’s good to produce and donate a guide to the new Independence movement site, but it’s more important to keep filling it where you donated it constantly,” said Professor Seo.
This guide explains in detail the background and process of the Korean National Association, the publication of Shinhan Minbo, the training of independent forces, and the various Independence movement activities on independence fund raising.
For netizens who can not directly check the guidebook on the spot, we posted the original file in Our History Story We met abroad so that everyone can easily check it.
“The situation in the Independence movement sites that remain overseas due to the Corona 19 incident this year is not very good,” said Professor Seo. “I think it’s time we had more interest,” he said.
Song Hye-kyo and SEO Kyoung-Duk have been donating Korean guides, Korean signboards, and Independence movement to 22 former World Independence movement sites for the past nine years.