Running Man' Ji Suk-jin spoke about Song Ji-hyo film 'The Intrusion' and then shrugged off.
On sbs 'Good Sunday - Running Man' broadcasted on the 19th, the members turned into taja.
"Ji Hyo did a really good job of acting in the movie 'The Intrusion', because it was released in a difficult time," said Yoo Jae-Suk. Ji Suk-jin said, "But you have over a million people," but Song Ji-hyo sighed. Yoo Jae-Suk also tapped Ji Suk-jin, saying, "Don't talk about it."
Ji Suk-jin tried to comfort Song Ji-hyo, saying, "I'll be over soon." But Yoo Jae-Suk said it was "over," and Song Ji-hyo said, "I'm on IPTV." Lee Kwang-soo said, "Is your condition good or bad?" Yoo Jae-Suk said, "I paid for 10,000 won," but Kim Jong Kook said, "I will see it when I go down to 5,000 won."
Photo = sbs Broadcasting Screen