Twogether' is an eye-cleaning healing Travel variety that Lee Seung-gi, Ryu Ho, and two other same-age stars from the language and language are going around the Asian country this summer.
Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Iho's TOP10 pledges, as well as Twogether', which has been loved by viewers in various countries and is well received by overseas media as it disproves its popularity. Overseas media showed a high interest in the warm and pleasant combination of Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Iho, the Travel to Asia, which has an unusual and beautiful scenery, and the Korean-style Travel entertainment that requires various missions.
First, Forbes, an American economic magazine, commented, "With the Travel limited to Corona 19, this series shows beautiful scenery and adds more fun to the enthusiasm of those who treat pleasant East Ry and Mission." North American online review media The Review Gig said, "Asia's unique style, humor and colorful visuals are wonderfully mixed. "Twogether" is an inexhaustible Travel variety, where two charismatic stars Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho go out looking for their fans and see the developing and growing Bromance during eight episodes, applauding the exciting journey of two attractive men.
"Twogether' is essentially a Korean-style entertainment, with graphics in Korean and sensitivity in Korea," said a review media editor published by the New York Post. But if you're interested in watching the pre-Corona Travel and the amazing landscape, the process of two people becoming good friends beyond multiple barriers, it can be a show that viewers around the world can fully sympathize with. Stream (STREAM IT)," he said, actively recommending.
There was also a reference to the warm-hearted Bromance of the two men, with Philippines' fashion magazine Preview saying: "Their Bromance is lovely and really funny! "HYPE, a leading entertainment media in Malaysia," Twogether, "with a lot of romance moments. I hope you will check all the cute scenes between Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho with Netflix. " There was also praise for the unique format of Twogether', which performs various missions at the places recommended by fans and visits local fans. Philippines Daily Inquirer, the flagship daily newspaper, said: "Above all, fans are at the heart of the show. Fans act as a driving force to attract eight episodes, "he said.
Click the City, one of the popular lifestyle websites on Philippines, said: "The moment two stars meet and talk to fans really warms up. I think it's the time (#FangirlGoals) that fans dreamed of, "he expressed sympathy for the warm impression and healing conveyed by Twogether'.
Meanwhile, Twogether' was released on Netflix on the 26th of last month.