Tae Jin-ah was selected for the "Return in 16 Years" Cheks Famata advertising model..."Sorry to launch too late."

Jina Entertainment announced on the 28th that Tae Jin-ah was selected as a model of Cheks Famat, which was newly launched by Nonshim Nickel blog, a cereal food company.
Cheks Famat is a product that has received a lot of attention since the development of the Nongshim Nickel blog since the event was launched in 2004. At the time, the Nonshim Nickel blog had held a voting event to promote Cheks. Chocolate-tasting character Cheki and Pamata character Chaka were each candidates for the presidential election event of the Choco Kingdom, which was released by the Nonshim Nickel blog as a real Chex Choco product.
At the time, some Consumers said, "If Chaka is elected, I will see if he makes the Parmat Chex as promised." The situation flowed differently from the direction intended by the Nonshim Nickel blog.
Then the Nonshim Nickel blog commissioned a security company to invalidate all abnormal votes.
eventually, Cheki was elected president of the Choco Kingdom and released as a product, but some Consumers expressed disappointment that they did not meet their demands.
If you look at some of the TV commercials pre-released on Kellogg Korea's YouTube channel, Tae Jin-ah calls a CM song that opened the hit song Sorry.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I released the Famat too late.”
All of the assistant cast members who appeared together while Tae Jin-ah sang along follow the choreography of sorry with par.
Tae Jin-ah is enthusiastic, wearing a green midriff with a wave in it and a light green suit with a top, with a green necktie, with a cover and a wireless microphone resembling a wave.
The wall, which is the background of the advertisement, has a banner reading 'I am sorry I am late'.
Chex Famat is a new product that has been developed and developed by Nonshim Nickel blog for long-term research and development to repay the interest and request of Consumer. It is characterized by sweet and salty flavor by adding mixed vegetables to existing checks products made of ogok. It is said that it has made the unique taste of Daepa by airlifting the waves produced in Yeoju, Gyeonggi Province.