Group Elast (E'LAST) cited their respective role models.
A showcase for the release of the debut mini album "DayDream" by Elast (Poblano, won hyuk, romin, Won Jun, Seung-yeop, Choi In, Baek-gyeol, Ye-jun) was held online on the 8th.
Elast is a group of eight people including Poblano, romin, Seungyeop, Choi In, Baekjeong, and Yejun, including won hyuk and Won Jun who played in Mnet 'Produce X101'.
On the day, Elast commented on the role model, saying romin was nct, saying "Performance is not a joke, I'm into that charm."
Choi said, "BTS Ji Min is my role model. The energy and emotional expression felt in dance gives me a deep inspiration, "Won Jun said." I respect Lee Seung-gi. Lee Seung-gi's model image from Lee Seung-gi was inspired and Lee Seung-gi was the role model. "
Poblano continued to say, "I wanted to do that when I saw my mouth open enough to be open when I was working as 'I do not want to cry'." won hyuk said, "I want to follow a lot of HTZ Choi San. I watched it directly and I got in. My face is a big hit. "
Yejun said, "I admire the seniors of The Day After Tomorrow Esporte Clube Bahia Twogether the most. The reason is that when I listen to the song, I listen to the melody with a focus on the melody. The Day After Tomorrow Clube BahiaTwogether listens to the songs and makes a heartbeat and blows a taste sniper in my heart. I can not get out of it every time I do that. "
Seung-yeop said, "I like TVXQ Yunho Yunho so much. I am impressed that I have delivered too much good energy to the audience on the stage. "Baek said," I usually like to sing and play guitar, so I look for a lot of artists. I was so lost when I saw that performance," he added.