On SBS 'Running Man', which is broadcasted on the 26th (Sun), Song Ji-hyo, who has been upgraded from 'Dam Ji-hyo' to 'Active Ji-hyo' and 'Active Ji-hyo', will be revealed.
In the recent opening of the recording, Song Ji-hyo's identity, which is playing a big role in crossing between 'Dam Ji-hyo' and 'Active Ji-hyo', has emerged as a big topic. A heated debate was held between the members of 'Dam Ji Hyo' and 'Active Ji Hyo', and Yo Jae-Suk recently cast a vote on 'Active Ji Hyo' referring to Song Ji Hyo's active performance.
Haha and Yang Se-chan expressed their affection for 'Dam Ji-hyo', saying, "Dam Ji-hyo is much better." After the sparkling controversy, Yo Jae-Suk said, "So Song Ji-hyo is accumulated when he builds a wall, but all things are active" I organized it neatly.
On the other hand, Song Ji-hyo also played a big role as 'Active Dam Ji-hyo', which crosses 'Dam Ji-hyo' and 'Active Ji-hyo'. In Mission, he actively moved to his place and showed his enthusiasm, but he turned into a 'Dam Ji Hyo', which builds up a quiz and a wall, and showed the aspect of 'Active Dam Ji Hyo'.
In particular, Song Ji-hyo, who participated in the Mission as 'Active Ji-hyo', transformed into 'Bad Ji-hyo', which blows stone fastballs to Yang Se-chan, and laughed. Song Ji-hyo, who was upgraded to 'Active Dam Ji-hyo', can be seen in 'Running Man'