lg Twins rookie first-choice name Lee Min-ho struggled with his first appearance in action.
Lee Min-ho was on The mound as The third pitcher of The Cheong team in The Cheongbaek game at Jamsil-dong on The 22nd, and he hit four hits in one inning and two runs.
Lee Min-ho, who did not participate in Australia and Japan Okinawa battery training and raised his condition in Icheon, is The first to play in The practice game. Lee Min-ho, who boasts a fast ball, curve and slider approaching 150km, was not satisfied with The first game because of The burden of The first game. The speed remained 144–147 km, but There were many balls in The middle; 21 pitches and one strikeout.
Lee Min-ho, who led The lead in The fifth inning with a 6-0 lead, was hit by a double in The middle of The right field while throwing 145km The to Yoo Kang-nam. Then, Jung Joo-hyun was turned into a 147km The with a swing strikeout, which seemed to escape The crisis. However, The next hitter Lee Chun Woong allowed a surprise bunt hit in The first base and was driven to first and third base.
Lee Min-ho, who threw three checks to first baseman Lee Chun Woong in a row, gave up a right-handed hit to Hyun-soo Kim in The middle of 144km The. Lee Chun Woong, The second baseman, hit The left double with a 118km curve to Chae Eun-sung in The second and second bases, and Hyun-soo Kim was out of The home and The inning ended.