'Itaewon Club Festival' Park Seo-joon, work and love success come true and a happy ending.. 'As the value of'the power of happiness(feat Park Bo-gum)

Park Seo-joon in this Chapter is the acquisition of a business, Kim is already with the love of true family and love and success as a finish.
21 days afternoon broadcast JTBC Gold review drama Itaewon then I work and love occupy for the night bird's(Park Seo-joon)is a successful look painted.
Night new the phone Us(YouTube name)on to his knees. He said: "Me knees he can,"he said. Pole us "why you? I he you here Where Are you? This degree in get on your knees? Eventually the power in the crushed look is not me,"said Dr. Bird to The Insult was. Pole us "life last only Mac fall only. It is trivial knee for I or the son to the father was only. Enemies like me knees me how to kick it?"Called asked.
Night new, and the "inviting is the President of the mood is how is it? So the knees and glad it? Invigorating the IT?"And that gift was. He said, "now vengeance with a steady area of my life, right? Long is President of long enemies, my life as hell gonna put the human at the same time for men. Values are different and admit they were forced to save. I have your back and chase the whole life Within was. This fight is worth it, I thought it was,"he said. Night new that "such men are the ultimate in kneel. This ugly geezer Chase is decades out of Europe and no. This is called"days with said. Pole we "look at the results my knees, not one. When the course results in,"he said. But Night new, and that "ten years from now, you need to know was"how long Ye in the morning this week.
Joey in(Kim style)is "my one two three to the moon to be called"Knotweed water(Kim Dong hee)to said. He said: "Knotweed water ask for"a few days to open. Knotweed water "I see it like"label yourself a threat to them warned. Devices source(security)is "well, now, don't you? Screwing in the grab? Miss you?"La and Knotweed water and tried to kill goons to tell him. He said, "have whatever you want that almost had me. Just staring at his dad get called,"said Brother Knotweed water to the flat was poor. Knotweed water is "what are you doing? Live once were. Hands on is the enemy"this and "still you love me brother brother is to me. Always way wrong, but,"he said.
Night new that "Nana wins rights to die and to be"and "but this is for you, you can't force it,"he said. Top winning ticket(kind of water)is "this buds around the corner the hair is no ugly home and then heard"and "this is from me, so precious. The goal should be teamwork for a living"he replied. This "brother's dead also this from you,"he added.
Chapter source the Joey in the chase. Joey said, "you met this loser asshole"and ran to him. That night new, and the best winning tickets found his car. Night new, A "Night Out"and the front break to the city. This long source is to turn the car to avoid the accident was. Night New, "Is this from you? Okay?"Called asked. Joe is the "representative of God?" The had and. Here is where come real?"And night new, to the was worried. This Chapter source is "and the less was it. Death came almost four feet?"Called asked. Night new is that "now the police and the way it is. Just to be?"He said. The best lift ticket is "I'm Joe no God brother sounds listen good"nor "Fast Show. How do I try it."and of We have been.
Joey and ran away one night to new "that I think. The client, when running in. Always because of me trying to hurt,"said a fortune off it. Joey said, "what, you're okay, right?"Called asked. Night new, this is "how is this? In my head my heart so full. You this were you? To be trembling there?"he replied. This "love. Love, this have. Lots of Love called"Love confessed.
Night New, screwed in to first and gave. This piece is from the "representative of God and how to flee?"Called refused. But the night Fort as "police contact come. Four well-received guide to me. I believe with my development,"he said. After all, this is the "representative of God if you die I die to be called"affection exposed.
Night new that the "four this and a man's cub?"he asked.Called knotweed member said. The "this in the logistics of our dad. Your work on the guilt don't you?"Called asked. Knotweed temple "is you a pig looks up at the sky when the guilt with you? My dogs pork because of the lost"and night new to condemned. Night new is not the knotweed in her. He is in the words of the remembered and the end device source to beat. Joey with the A new police station with the baby Joey in "now happy man,"he said.
Adjusted people(Kim pictures), a night bird by screwing in the issues protested. But that night new, and the look like was. Adjustment people after leaving Joey in the "I'm obviously the representative of God is responsible for, and heard,"he said. This example is a night new to this "I I fighter isn't called"White said. Joey in the "I like?"Called asked. This night on the Fort with a "no love"he says back Wormwood writing, but that was it.
Meanwhile, when an embezzlement crime because of search and seizure you had. In this unit we "I alone flip writing a pig"line and "other building? Kim's room?"Called asked. This "out of the Olympics if you have just a pig"line and crisis out of the Palace, but was engrossed. Knotweed water is "the delisting on the shareholders considering divesting it."and "the good conditions due to the where one place got it,"he said. In this unit we anger expressed.
This photo(This is David)is a long muscle found. The device source is "familiar, huh? Smart watches and fitness trackers this?"Called asked. This number is the "four bread Shuttle was a"lightweight "tag line on my book was. Long as mergers and acquisitions, promoted to be. I remember even the last day of my day. Long as the background is not you wanted to see,"he replied. This "smart watches and fitness trackers do not. Were now. Forgive me"he said.
Kim actually is "the whistleblower in writing not to be. Why did he do that or"he asked. Sewage like(the right one)is "Kim chief is? Zhang is the President so why not you?"And that gift was. This in the Kim thread is "why you? I'm a Celery Man you know,"he replied. Sewage like the "I learned a lot,"he said, and to the left.
Magnificent us things to shareholders on the phone. But note that "I Night new, this unmolested Vida"and "night birds as this is long to smell you to,"he said. "We are to profit by the fruit of a relationship was"the epic of our help refused. In this unit we Night new is found.
Night new will find yourself taken us exceedingly entertain was. Long we Night new, made sundubu jjigae to tasted it. Night new that the "long-mergers and acquisitions during the promotion,"he said. He said: "operating the river people Director and. Now the corporate image, so that the device is named to discard the idea. Long we "stick with who you learned?"Called asked. Night new that the "father,"I answered. Long Our "to-night the most? Similar was the aftertaste is wrong"I said. Night new or "seasoned direct production. Especially playing in the garden more."he emphasized. Long Ye, "so the instruments,"and with a laugh replied.
Epic we are "so delicious a meal for GoT how money brought,"he said. Night new, a "difficult to me"he replied. Pole us to the "other living for you to be with us?"Line and knelt down. He said: "the downfall to that is mergers and acquisitions what is to profit you. All I have done wrong"this and release it. Night new the "original views as me. Long good industry is,"he said. Pole we "live me much left to the elderly on what the greedy would have. Sincere apology to me. To-night and I done did. Was wrong now. With this the fur will give you one,"said the crime was. Night new that "a picture my mind is good, but don't"and "logistics view of the civil, and die. But as your Excellency."he said. This, he said, "I needs do you see? That shopkeeper is. Corporate Takeover Day, taken in between and what the mean to you? Business please President called"day to day him.
Night new that the shareholders ' meeting attended. He said: "Zhang is our country representative of the food industry. The country's crisis all the difficult times affordable prices and delicious taste as citizens for what we were doing. Recent events with companies in the crisis fell, but one of the individual issue only, the device is still a good company. Changsha in the most important to the person and trust. Profit than people and the trust you place in it. Here, with a new Chapter that you will create a"high aspirations revealed.
Knotweed water is a "control surface means are? Just look at all wanted. Type of goals,"said Dr. new is told. Night new, "is your father as you harm no,"he said. Knotweed water is the "ultimate sports car articles serve there me. It as well as a boarding form on the IC of the same line to identify and. Clothes that don't fit was. Something done in this and wanted to do. The device is to be accounted for. So this can not have that already knew it. Knowing they wouldn't stop it. Stop didn't know how to say"the past of the atrocities revealed. This in the night to new "is okay. You're doggies you. Sometimes Bob and eat and"live and Knotweed water and forgave.
Sewage like the box and new to the celebration call was. Night new, or "whistleblower, why did"he said. Sewage like is "because of you, but not sure. Uncle to the tuition bill when the triple pay off itself. This will be enough said or did?"It was called the. This "forward my life to live there. Friends cheer for me?"Called asked. Night new that the "anytime support"and said. Sewage like the "four I's all over and I ask for only one year may I?"By saying "to live happily, okay?"he said.
The best Win Lottery, do realize(this very minute), Kim Antonio(Chris Ryan), a Knotweed water as a suggestion only balm sports cars gathered. Knotweed water is "sorry."he apologized. The best lift ticket "the back is the back pay you"and forgave. Do realize that "today we was going to face the best,"he said. Knotweed water is later "see"and "still live in"I said.
Joey from "I here doing?"Called Knotweed water asked. Knotweed water "I United States go before boarding this brother present who in and try to"answered. Joey from "people and end up with a job?"And "well,"he said. Knotweed water "this from you, a handshake once to do so?"Called Suggested. Joey from "long, long of unrequited love to end this with you?"La and Knotweed water and I tucked him in. He said: "to be qualified enough got. Right and wrong then no matter who had been faithful thy heart. Accept not even sent word. Mind that this for a while and was called"Heart of truth handed on.
Joey and realized that Sewage like the open for spy went. Sewage like the "what spied and just come and ask if not,"he said. Sewage like this in the "You know what? For me love leave"and a preemptive attack. This Sewage like The "your heart should be. New is good to me"and sincerely handed in. Sewage like the new chef(Park Bo-gum in minutes)for jobs and business, said. The best lift ticket and realized that Dating and a new start informed.
Joey from "not busy Dating want to do?"Called asked. Night New his offer in response was. Night new and young and Itaewon in Dating and a enjoyable time spent. Joey in the "I love you said I?"Called asked. He said, "Why are your hands even once to hold it?"He said. Box new "is a bit awkward to say"shy.
Joey said, "I effort to it. The President and I and up is different, but one thing resembling a living there. Of people come to know,"he said. This "before his past talking when I heard the President of the past pain they 'I the Polish I got. It's not hard to not be lonely and wanted. Of tender night sweet I wanted to make,"he added. He said, "Sir if you think the void for my daily use he with the arduous climb. Thank you. I love you. I am happy to make you say"you're sincere I was.
Night new, a 'happy and wanted. I don't lose and want to and wanted to. Tough my day was. Sometimes anxiety and fear was. How it had held up. Valuable these and want to walk and withstood temperature days. Along with these things. Happy find. Happy, you and me share the warmth. Already I feel this is happy,'said the exposed. This, he said, "I love this from you"and your love for each other was OK.
Meanwhile ‘the court then dictated,’is irrational in the world, and rooms with Cong youth their values as freedom chasing UPS the mythological drama of.