'HybridZ spring' application 'royal ace 400'
ACE bed proposed a premium bed that caught both rest and design.
BMA-1157 '= ACE bed BMA-1157, which combines The Brick cushion with a unique wooden frame, is a wooden frame bed that harmonizes the straight straight line and the curved edge of the corner with a sense of stability. It is simple but not monotonous, with a combination of The Brick cushion on natural wood, and the details are also alive. In particular, this product appeared with the brand model Park Bo-gum in the newly released ACE bed TV commercial this year, attracting consumers with the new Park Bo-gum bed. The BMA-1157 was made using high-quality wood suitable for high-quality beds in the wood frame.
ROYAL ACE 400 '= ROYAL ACE 400, completed with 'Hybrid Z Spring', is the top model of Hybrid Tech (Hybrid TECH), a popular mattress line of ACE bed. The spring that determines the elasticity of the mattress uses the World patent 'Hybrid Z Spring' boasted by ACE bed. Hybrid Z Spring has been recognized for its value in 15 countries in World as well as Korea by collecting all the advantages of standalone springs and connected springs. The Hybrid Z spring perfectly fits the body line at the top of the body weight, and it supports once more at the bottom spring to realize optimal sleep and increase the life of the mattress itself.
The ROYAL ACE 400 also stands out for innovations in materials other than springs and advanced technology. It uses 'bio foam' made of eco-friendly material to give soft touch and maintain high permeability to realize a pleasant sleep environment.
“All products are manufactured using only E0-grade eco-friendly materials, and important materials inside the mattress are produced directly,” said an ACE bed official.
Meanwhile, ACE bed will hold The Zoom Festival, which offers special benefits to bed purchasers with Hybrid Z spring, at ACE bed stores nationwide (excluding outlet stores) by the 5th of next month.