Lee Sung-kyung and Ahn Hyo-seop in SBS 'Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2' have fallen into an unexpected crisis as they have grown up over the extreme mental suffering.
The first and second parts of the 6th episode of Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2, which was broadcast on the 21st, achieved Nielsen Korea standard, 18.9% of metropolitan TV viewer ratings, 18.6% of national TV viewer ratings, and 20.3% of the highest TV viewer ratings. It won the TV viewer ratings Triple Crown, ranking first on all channels of all terrestrial and full-length programs broadcast on Tuesday. Also, 2049 TV viewer ratings were 7.1%.
As soon as Kim Sabu (Han Seok-gyu) went to and from the operating room of Lee Sung-kyung and Seo Woo Jin (Ahn Hyo-seop), he was safely finished surgery. Detective, who was shot, and a gangster wearing Navajazo in his chest, entered the emergency room of Doldam Hospital and the hospital became a mess again. Kim told Cha to open the patient's chest and put a stapler in it, and Cha said, "I can do it!"
Even after the other medical staff called "you are alone if the patient is wrong," Cha Eun-jae swallowed the operating room swelling pill given by Kim Sa-bu and returned to the emergency room to open the patient's chest. Cha Eun-jae took a deep breath and quickly treated it and safely put a stapler in the patient's heart to stabilize the patient's condition.
Seo Woo Jin completed the surgery of Father, a family suicide attempt that revived the terrible past pain, and performed the surgery of Detective with a bullet in his liver. Kim Sabu left Park Min-guk (Kim Joo-heon) to the patient of Navajazo in a hurry, and Seo Woo Jin was praised by Park Min-guk for his skillful handwork. At the same time, Cha Eun-jae, who was praised by Kim Sa-bu for his good first aid, was delighted to receive comfort, encouragement and meal promises from Bae Moon-jung (Shin Dong-wook), who he liked during college.
Seo Woo Jin looked at the condition of a child Father who attempted suicide with his family in the intensive care unit. When asked why he had saved his life, Seo Woo Jin said, "If you die like this, you can not know what you have done. Seo Woo Jin, who went to the side of a girl who had drug addiction due to Father's suicide attempt, grabbed her hand and said, "It's okay. It will be okay. "He watched the child as if he had ordered himself.
After finding Seo Woo Jin, who was being watched by a lender, Cha Eun-jae advised, "Blackmail - Cinémix Par Chloé is being received," and "Blackmail - Cinémix Par Chloé is the same as violence. But Seo Woo Jin stared at Cha Eun-jae and said, "Do you like me or do not go out?"
Cha Eun-jae went to the bathroom, chewing on the attitude of Seo Woo Jin, where a foreign mother who brought a 5-year-old child the day before witnessed a bumbling attack. When the Korean husband came out to the protesting Cha Eun-jae, the wife who stopped behind her swung the cutter knife at her husband, and red blood flowed down the neck of the Mali-dhan Cha Eun-jae. In the arms of Seo Woo Jin, who ran to see this situation, Cha Eun-jae lost consciousness with his blank eyes.
“The six ending scenes in which the abused foreign mother turns extreme have decided to Motive the events that occurred in the actual emergency room,” the production team said. “The intention is to show the characteristics of the hospital, which is a trauma hospital. “There will be episodes that will be a Motive for real events that will create realistic empathy in the future.”
The 7th episode of Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2 will be broadcast at 9:40 pm on the 27th.