EXO fan club "If there is no Chen Exiting decision by the 18th, Collective behavior goes in" sm strongly demand

Fandom is rife with the group EXO Chen (28 and Kim Jong-dae), who suddenly announced marriage and the news of the second generation.
“We believe that the enforcement of Chen’s activities, which caused huge injuries and confusion to fans, will bring huge losses to the group image,” the Ace Alliance said in a statement on Wednesday. “We demand that sm Entertainment exit Chen’s team.”
These fan associations have outlined why Chen should be Exited at EXO.
“The image of the EXO group itself is seriously being undermined,” they said. “The EXO-related articles have been labeled as ‘marriage stone’ and ‘whip stone’, and gossip articles that produce rumors to other members are pouring out,” he said.
“The division and breakdown of EXO fandom are serious. Chen's irresponsible move is causing an unusual fandom division. "As the trust in the members disappears, many EXOels can no longer support Chen. “It has a negative impact on each member, group, and company.”
For the last reason, the fan association said, "The unstable group schedule is damaging to both fandom and The Artist. "A large number of paid members who have substantial purchasing power in the fandom are eager to withdraw Chen," he said. "The remaining of Chen reflects fans' worries and anger about the opacity of group activities."
For this reason, they asked sm Entertainment to Exit in the team of EXO member Chen, and urged the EXO group to air if there is any part of the EXO group activity plan that has been misplaced or changed due to Chen's announcement, and to demand the protection of The Artist and the management of portal site search terms.
“If there is no answer to our requirements by the 18th, EXOEL will carry out any direct and indirect forms of demonstration,” he said. “We will wait for wise judgment as the economic value of EXO in sm Entertainment is enormous.”
sm Entertainment said on March 13, "Chen meets a precious relationship and marriages." "The bride is a non-entertainer, and marriage ceremony will be attended by only two families and will be reverent."
Chen also announced on the official fan club homepage that "I had a girlfriend who wanted to share my normality and a blessing came to us."
Fans were also in turmoil over Chen's sudden announcement. There were some cheering Chen, but there were also concerns that it would hurt other members and that it would be announced without any exchange with fans.
Chen was born in 1992 and made his music debut as a group EXO in 2012; within the team, he is the main vocalist.