All The Butlers' Lee Yeong-ae has revealed her mother's daily life, not an actor.
On SBS All The Butlers' broadcasted on the 1st, 'Ascension Hyungjae' members had a good time with Master Lee Yeong-ae.
Master Lee Yeong-ae, members who had a good time with her I-DLE. By evening, the master prepared a handmade meal with ingredients from the garden for the members. The members who tasted the traditional Korean traditional dish made of cabbage and oyster cabbage soup showed a stormy food by pouring exclamation to the master's cooking skills, "It is really so delicious" and "What is this?"
At this time Lee Seung-gi asked, "Dae Jang Geum' TV viewer ratings came out 50%?" And Lee Yeong-ae laughed. "When we said Dae Jang Geum' TV viewer ratings were over 80% in a Middle East country," Lee Yeong-ae said, "it's nearly 90%." Lee Yeong-ae said, "When I walked with the groom and Itaewon, there were some people who gave flowers to Middle East.
Mom Lee Yeong-ae's day of work has also been revealed. Lee Yeong-ae said, "I go to school in the morning and follow a lot of children's schedules." "I get married late and know more about the importance of my family. I'm trying to be with I-DLE as much as I can," he said.
Lee Seung-gi said, "When I saw it, I thought, 'I would be happy if I had a family.'" Lee Yeong-ae said, "It is a great strength.
In particular, Lee Yeong-ae said, "There was no fear of marriage." "There was a worry about the fans disappearing in their 20s and 30s. The more I think, 'Let's make roots that do not shake even if I come back. I thought about it and ran hard in my 20s and 30s.' "
In addition, after taking a TV commercial during his rookie days, he shared the truthful story of the master who had not done anywhere in the past, such as the old anecdote that had to work part-time chocolate sales.
Later teatime time: Master Lee Yeong-ae and members talked about the importance of praise; Lee Yeong-ae "practices expression. "I love you, thank you, and always hug you. I practice it so that you can express it as "delicious." Asked about the praise of the best I-DLE, he laughed, "It is best when you say 'the food your mother gives is the best.'"
The members decided to call their acquaintances and have time to praise them. Yang Se-hyeong called Park Na-rae and praised Yang Se-hee, saying, "It's so cool to come to Park Na-rae now." Park Na-rae praised Yang Se-hyeong, saying, "Why are you so grateful?"
"SNS writing is also impressed and sometimes empowered," said Yook Sungjae, who said, "There are many cases of opposition." Lee Yeong-ae said, "It seems important because friends who make their debut early are very weak to judge themselves, so they are wielded by horses, worry about themselves, and see that there are many bad things, so they can save and kill people." Lee Seung-gi said, "It seems like these days when good words, praise words are really desperate."
Meanwhile, members who left for New Zealand at the end of the broadcast were also revealed.
Prior to leaving the station, the members gathered at the station received an invitation from the master, where it read: 'Only those who challenged and enlightened in nature deserve to be invited to my dream land.' At this time, the production team said, "The master will visit you directly at the moment of unity with nature."
After that, the members played a game of pocket money, singing and proceeding to 100 bills. The first place will be Choices with the number presented by the master. As a result, Lee Seung-gi scored first, and he Choices the numbers '100' and Yang Se-hyeong. Since then, the members have raised expectations for New Zealand in anticipation.