'The Woman of 9.9 billion' Cho Yeo-jeong X Jung Woong-in, Salvélvs Hoonhun Two shot..."Reversal story Steel Series"

A bloody and warm two-shot of Cho Yeo-jeong and Jung Woong-in was released.
kbs 2TV's new tree drama 'The Woman of 9.9 billion' (playplayed by Han Ji Hoon/directed by Kim Young-jo) unveiled the shooting series of Cho Yeo-jeong and Jung Woong-in, which appear as couples in the play.
"The Woman of 9.9 billion" (playplayed by Han Ji Hoon/directed by Kim Young-jo) is a drama about a woman holding 9.9 billion in her hand fighting against the world. In the drama, Cho Yeo-jeong played the role of 'Emotional Yeon', a woman with 9.9 billion won, and Jung Woong-in played the role of 'Hong In-pyo', the husband of Jeong Seo-yeon. The two are obsessed with their wife and wife who live a hopeless life in the play and act as a husband who wields violence and acts as a couple who are married to empty shells.
The SteelSeries, which was released this time, is raising expectations for the drama with the Reversal story SteelSeries, which captures the shooting scene of the warm-hearted Onui Chemie, which is laughing, following the scene of showing bloody couple chemistry with cold eyes and firm expression when the camera returns.
When the cue sign begins like an Acting actor, he suddenly turns into another person and spreads a flame like a godly flame. When the shooting is over, he jokes with each other and turns into a warm mode.
kbs 2TV new drama '9.9 billion women' will be broadcast following the Camellia Flowers, which will make the well-made thriller expect by the chemistry of Cho Yeo-jeong and Jung Woong-in, who do not need words.