The Jeju Regional Joint Committee for the Jeju Metropolitan Office of Education and Field practice High School Death held a ceremony for the unveiling of the Memorial sculpture of Lee Min-ho County and the Memorial Festival at the Jeju Student Cultural Center on the afternoon of the 19th.
The Event was attended by bereaved families, officials from the Ministry of Education, principals of the specialization school, and officials from the joint committee.
Events were conducted in the order of Memorial sculpture installation progress report, joint representative Memorial service with the Superintendent Memorial, reading of Memorial City, unveiling ceremony, representative of bereaved family, wreath, and Memorial Festival.
The Memorial sculpture installed in the 'Future Place' of the Student Cultural Center was built to recognize the importance of industrial safety by raising awareness of the Field practice safety accident and honoring the Memorial's intention for Lee Min-ho.
Through the design contest, I shaped the life of this army.
The joint committee explained that the right hand of the sculpture is a request to be done together so that there will be no pain like the person again, and the expressionless face means that the student had to go through a long period of high-intensity Field practice.
"We will continue to provide safe Field practice and student safety education without forgetting the lessons of Field practice safety accidents in the future through the unveiling of Memorial sculptures," said the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education.
"The education authorities should engrave the meaning of the Memorial sculpture," the joint committee said. "The Ministry of Education and the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education should abolish the Field practice of dispatching the Death high school industry to the second and third Lee Min-ho and prepare an alternative Field practice program that puts student learning rights first."
2 cycle Memorial and sculpture unveiling equation are opened