Lee Seung-gi, 32, is wearing her whole body like an Action specialist Actor cheek.
Lee Seung-gi, who is playing a big company and a chadal gun fighting the truth to reveal his nephew's death in the SBS gilt drama VagaBond', which is marching high in ratings, is unusual.
He started out as a stuntman in the play, and he was not surprised to see it. Despite the dissuade of the production team who worried about the accident in the dangerous situation of the car explosion, he did not bend his strong will to "dry it directly". In addition, Lee Seung-gi, who relieved the production team, joined the other stuntmen after wearing a flame-resistant suit, and also practiced several times and finished shooting after finishing the preparation.
It is rare for a commonly used 'Rock Price Actor' to digest stunts without bands. Most of the faces are taken separately, but Lee Seung-gi threw himself into the work with only one complete thought.
"VagaBond" production team also said, "Every time the Action scene of Lee Seung-gi was over, the staff admired it. The production team is a god that is difficult to be nervous, but we are relieved and rather worried about the perfection. "