Drama VagaBond', which has been in the production period for over a year, is expected to show its first line to viewers with its completion that meets its expectations.
VagaBond' is a director who has created a hit for each work, and Jang Young-chul and Jin Young-sung-sun, who have been in contact with Yoo In-sik in 'Giant', 'Salaryman Cho Hanji' and 'Don's Incarnation'. Director Lee Gil-bok is joining, and it predicts the best scale and completeness.
Yoo In-sik, who directed the director, said at the meeting, "I prepared for a long time and many people threw themselves generously during the long shooting period. I am so excited and nervous that this is completed and shown. "Lee Gil-bok, the director of the film, said," The film is all over because it is pre-production. I will try to make sure that I can broadcast well for the rest of the year. "
There comes an Action Drama that looks like Hollywood
"VagaBond" is a Drama that uncovers a huge national corruption found by a man involved in a civil-commodity passenger plane crash in a concealed truth, an intelligence Action melody that unfolds the dangerous and naked adventures of "VagaBond" who have lost their families, affiliations, and even their names. Especially, Lee Seung-gi and Bae Suzy's casting of male and female protagonists, Shin Sung-rok, Moon Jung-hee, Baek Yoon-sik, Lee Kyung-young, Lee Ki-young, Jung Man-sik, Kim Min-jong and Hwang Bo-ra, I made a big talk.
The first VagaBond' released on the media on the day was a Dramatic story of each character drawn in the scale and colorful Action as well as the Hollywood blockbuster movie, and it was expressed as the act of Actors. 100% pre-production Drama, VagaBond', which was originally scheduled to be broadcasted in May, was delayed to autumn and was more successful in the second half of the project.
In the first episode of VagaBond', Lee Seung-gi, the main character of Cha Dal-gun, threw his whole body and played the best role. Savoie The scene where I had to take the risk because it was a high-level Action was digested by the stunt, but with enough safety, I digested the Action as much as possible. The scene of jumping from the building or hanging on the car was done by the Seunggi army. "He expressed his gratitude to Lee Seung-gi, who played Action directly.
Yoo said, "Both Seunggi and Bae Suzy have been practicing at Action School for several months. I think that Actors' self-management was able to shoot without injury. We were very careful when shooting to prevent unexpected incidents. I think we took Action shots safely because everyone was trying hard. "
The spectacular Action and Kahaani development within the exotic landscapes of Morocco and Portugal were also impressive. Yoo said, "I thought I would like to feel that the civilian Cha Dal-gun was following me to reveal his nephew's death and fell into a strange place. I found a place where we were not familiar with, where there was no one to talk to, to help, to trust me, to think about Cuba at first, and then to Morocco after agonizing. Morocco has different languages and cultures, and the scenery was exotic and beautiful. There were also skilled local staff and good equipment because it was a place where many Hollywood movies were filmed. "
▲ Lee Seung-gi to Hwaryongjeong Bae Suzy, perfect man and woman heroine to personality
Lee Seung-gi played Cha Dal-gun, a hot-blooded stuntman who had a dream of catching up with the Action film industry with Jackie Chan as a role model, and Bae Suzy played the role of a black agent, Ko Hae-ri, who hid the identity of NIS staff and worked as a contract worker for the Korean Embassy in Morocco.
Yoo In-sik said, "Lee Seung-gi has been a special warrior, and in fact, he asked me if I would like to do this Action Drama since I was in the military. Lee Seung-gi used to say good, but there are many twists and turns until this masterpiece is concluded. I had only the desire to be 'I wish I was', but it is a happy case that it was finally concluded. "
Yoo said, "Bae Suzy has responded to the casting that took the Hwaryongjeong point there." As an Actor, she has to act a lot, she is tired and can not look pretty. The role of labor intensity is very strong, and Mr. Bae Suzy wanted to do this intelligence genre. I was able to put on the wings of this project, "he said.
In addition, Yoo said, "Lee Seung-gi and Bae Suzy once met at the time of 'Kuga no Seo', and I met with Mr. Seung-ki and 'You were surrounded'. So I started my work in a very Friendly state. "
"When I took a hotel in a place called Morocco and went to each other for nearly two months, the two Friends were good Friends, charming and acting, but the best thing was the Friends who were really human. Otherwise, there will be a disagreement for a long time or a sense of mutual intellect, but all Actors have been close. "Lee Seung-gi - Bae Suzy praised the humanity of Bae Suzy.
Yoo also said, "They are the same young people, who are the same as the outside, and healthy young people. I think that the character of the main character standing at the center is important for the atmosphere of all the scenes. In that sense, Savoie has a good humanity, will, and passion to support this big and long project. It was a part that I originally knew, but I continued to admire and worked together. "
▲ Waiting more than a year, VagaBond' Netflix airs all over the world
Yoo said he first conceived VagaBond' four to five years ago. He said, "Jang Young-chul - Jeong Gyeong-sun I do not work with the writers, but I usually talk about the world like Friend. We are bored if we follow the previous work, so we want to do various things. When I met with the writers again and said, 'Let's do Action Drama with a global background', which I had like a romance. It is VagaBond' that has been putting flesh there for a long time. It was not a Drama that suddenly flashed the idea, but a Drama that I had like a long time ago. "VagaBond explained that it was a long-awaited work.
VagaBond' is a spy Action and political thriller, and is a complex genre of Drama that melts into melodies. Yoo said, "As a director, I have tried hard to dissolve all of the elements into a flow so that they do not play separately." "I tried to make viewers enjoy various genres of stories."
VagaBond' is a pre-production Drama that started with 'Snap Reading' on June 2 last year and lasted 11 months until May 23 this year. Currently, we are concentrating on the latter half of the work such as CG and color correction, and are preparing for full-scale broadcasting. Yoo, who has been working on his work for a long time, said, "I think that at least those who have seen it will feel full of masterpieces."
VagaBond' is a Drama that viewers around the world can see together through Netflix as well as SBS. Yoo said, "We made an Action intelligence story and chose the Kahaani line, not international issues or inter-Korean issues." He said, "It is based on Korea but it can happen in any country." "I made it with the expectation that family love, willingness and passion to reveal the truth, and the desire for justice to be revealed everywhere are the same," he said. "Those who are abroad have language barriers, but I hope you can enjoy this story with an open mind."
VagaBond' will be broadcasted at 10 pm on the 20th following 'Doctor John'.