Lotte Entertainment announced that 'Lion' will launch vod Service at the same time through various platforms such as iptv (kt Olleh TV, SK Btv, LG U + TV) and digital cable TV, Google Play, Naver, Kakao Page, Gom TV, Sichu, TVING and pooq.
"Lion" is a film about a fighting champion, Yonghu (Park Seo-joon), who meets the Old Master Anshinbu (Ahn Sung-ki) and confronts the powerful evil (), which has left the world in turmoil.
It was released on the 31st of last month and has attracted favorable reviews with the intense Acting synergy of Park Seo-joon, Ahn Sung-ki, and Woo Do-hwan, various action attractions that stimulate fantasy imagination, and hot drama in full-fledged development.