(Seoul) = Following last week's Spider, this week's "Running Man" stars actor Cho Jeong-seok and the couple as relays.
According to SBS 'Running Man' on the 19th, when the coordinating stone appeared with Yoona of Girls' Generation in the recent recording, Kim Jong Kook and Haha, who will share the Spider and fan meeting 'Culaver stage', expressed their intimacy by calling it "Maeje". Yoo Jae-seok asked, "Did the Spiders join in the last shooting, but did you leave the latter part of the shooting?"
So, he smiled with a subtle smile and said, "I heard that I was going to ride with my wife Spider and I was with Haha and Kim Jong Kook. Then I finally said, "I will sing with my brother and Haha will rap."
After a while, he hesitated to talk about the back story, and he gave an unexpected answer to the Spider, and Haha and Kim Jong Kook were embarrassed and attracted attention.
In addition, Kang Seok-seok said, "After that, the static flowed in the car and I could not talk anymore." I can confirm what the late "Running Man" of the Spider who hesitated to talk about Kang Seok-seok will be broadcasted at 5 pm on the 21st.