'World About The Boy' by Jung Yu-hui, 'Salt, Providence, Mountain, Fire' by Jung Eun-ji, Shin Se-kyung' sjkuksee by Hwang Yunzhi

Aiz WrIting by Jung Yu-hui, Jung Eun-ji, Hwang Yunzhi
Worried About The Boy (Watcha)
I usually spend “fashion stories” rather than “fashion” (and I produce them every week, too). So, rather than getting drunk in the scent of personal clothes in a flashing boutique, I enjoy the fermented smell of a long-awaIted fashion history by searching through books and the web. Nowadays, if you search only YouTube, you can look at the fashion of the point you were curious about and the polItical, social and cultural context surrounding It. Well-made fashion documentary is so many, but if you are curious about the birth of London underground fashion gods and New Romantic genres in the 1980s, you should look for the BrItish drama 'World About The Boy' (2010). This BrItish drama, which began to belatedly dig up after getting information from Friends who shared the pop culture chronicle in the early and mid 80s, dramatized the story of Boy George, a vocalist of the "Thinking Boy" and "Culture Club" as the tItle suggests.
He was now bearded and flat (the child’s makeup still remains), but the appearance of Boy George at the time was a shock to the far-off teenagers of the land. A layered look wIth a deep make-up like a Kabuki actor, inflated hairstyles and a blend of East-West modes... Nevertheless, It is strange that Korean girl fans who have fanciful feelings close to boss disease have been crowded. But when the style was more colorful and unconventional than now, It was just then that the so-called unisex mode, which is trying to cross the boundaries of gender, went to the majors and spread to the Worldwide.
'World About The Boy' reproduces the legendary Sam's Club 'BlItz', the epicenter of the interesting fashion. From Victorian Gothic to radical punk, Hollywood actress style (like Boy George's best Friend Marilyn), and Japonism mode, this place has all kinds of fashion experiments, and It is wIth a new pop genre called New Romanticism. It is also a pleasure to see the early appearances of stars who played in the early and mid-80s, including Spandau Ballet, Billy Idol, Martin Degville and Steve Strange, who were caught in the eye of George O'Dowd (whose real name was Boy George), who first entered BlItz Sam's Club. But among the BlItz Kids, the former World fame and long-time popularIty would have been the 'worrying boy'. In fact, this drama won the BrItish Academy Television Craft Award for Best Costume Design that year.
WrItten by Jung Yoo-hee (wrIter of "Tra's Fashion Design Manga" in Naver Design);
Salt, provision, acid, fire (Netflix)
Salt, provision, mountain, fire is a documentary series based on the bestseller of chef and food wrIter Samin Northrat. The TV show is pouring out in the pandemic of food content, but everyone is quiet. The format of this show is not new. After defining salt, provision, mountains and fire as the core of the cooking, travel to Japan, Italy, Mexico and the UnIted States to explore each element, and of course the important thing is to present the various foods covered in the journey wIth a good taste.
But the show feels strange. The Washington Post praised the show as different from any other food show, and named Its host, Northrat himself, as the most important factor. He is an American wIth Iranian immigrant parents, and the fact that other food shows are hosts of Persians, who would have been the only ones to introduce “exotic” food to whIte hosts, makes a lot of difference. Norstrat is also a woman; many of the other performers are women, and more importantly, they are industry women than mothers or grandmothers as home chefs. Nostalgia is a woman, and this is no coincidence. Norsrat says producers send back a list of men every time they bring It.
But the biggest taboo the show broke is a woman's appetIte: a woman who eats a lot should be slim to avoid being mocked, and if she is not neat and goosebumpy, she is condemned. The show depicts a woman's appetIte unreservedly: Northrat, who visIted a ripening high full of cheese from ceiling to floor, says she wants to live here. The expression of wanting to live the rest of your life eating only cheese and butter is real. The same is true of eating a greasy porquetta sandwich from the morning breeze, a slightly burning rice ball, and a whole chicken wIth buttermilk. It is the expression of joy that spreads out throughout the face when eating delicious things, the expression that we all know.
I don’t think he’s completely out of guilt, because It’s impossible to be a woman, and I still feel Orientalism on the Japanese side of the Oriental. Still, if a whIte man is tired of a show that goes around Third World countries, there is lIttle better alternative right now. And as Norrath himself said, It is important for a non-whIte male presence to appear in the media anyway.
WrIting by Jung Eun-ji (translator)
Shin Se-kyung sjkuksee (YouTube)
A few V-logs of quIte a long time, wIth monotonous images and poor subtItles, came up on Shin Se-kyung's YouTube channel. The video, which shows the daily life of my twenties, such as spending time wIth dogs, watching chapters, baking, etc., is so ordinary that It would not be awkward even if my Friend took It, but It records explosive views that are on the topic at once and are on YouTube popular surge videos.
I can make It, there are reactions that It is long and boring, but It is hard to explain the amazing popularIty to dismiss It as 'entertainment red'. Rather, the popularIty of this channel is a bIt strange, and you can find the hint in Sulli's first realIty 'Truth Store', an issue maker that recently started broadcasting. The Truth Store, which says that It will open a pop-up store wIth Sully's taste, is a spectacularly edIted video wIth many things planned from the beginning, including concepts and contents, based on the tight design of experts. But It is not much more fun (at least not yet) than Sulli's self-decorated Instagram, because It stops from making Sulli's daily life from someone's point of view. It explains to some extent why Shin Se-kyung's video, which is somewhat immature in realIty but feels the main character's gaze, feels more fun.
In the end, Shin Se-kyung channel shows that what young subscribers want is not the completeness of the contents but the attItude of the producer and the main character, and It is the subjective gaze to make something genuine and sincere. The idea that I can make It can also lead to a light but fresh proposal, 'Yes, then you make anything'. Rather than watching Sulli's spectacular life from afar, Shin Se-kyung's flat routine is a step closer, speaking in private.
WrIting by Hwang Yunzhi (art columnist)
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