While the world-renowned group BTS (BTS) has successfully returned from Japan Dome Tour, a picture of a child fan is gathering big topics locally on SNS. A picture of a boy was posted on Twitter at the Osaka University Kyocera Dome, where the BTS Concert was held on the 23rd. The child in the photo looks cute like TATA, a BT21 Character created by BTS member V (real name Kim Tae-hyung and 23). When I saw a child who was interested in the Concert scene, BTS fans said, "Agittar! 5-year-old V Choi Ae-go said that he was close to dying today. ... # I was allowed. "
The child, who likes BTS V best, said he asked his mother to make V Character clothes to commemorate the Osaka University Concert of BTS. From head to toe, it attracted attention with its cute look, which perfectly reproduced the Character 'Tata'. 'Tata' is a joint venture with Line Friends designed by BTS' V. 'Tata' is a Character from a heart shape and is a curious captain from the outside world.