Next month's comeback Wanna One unveils first new unit union at 2018 MGA

Wanna One (WANNA ONE), who will come back on the 19th of next month, will show a new stage at the 2018 MBC Plus X Genie Music Awards (MGA) ahead of the comeback.Wanna One will unveil a new combination of units on stage next month, the MGA said on Wednesday.Wanna One will find fans in a different combination than the combinations that have been seen on stage before the new album comeback.After the girl group Twice announced that it would release the new stage for the first time through MGA, Wanna One will also be interested in MGA as music fans decide to release a new unit stage through these awards.The Awards MGA, co-hosted by MBC Plus and Genie Music, is attracting attention because it is the first collaborative awards of broadcasters and music platform companies to be tried.Tickets opened on the 18th through auction tickets have attracted the attention of music fans, such as achieving all-round sales at the same time as the reservation starts.Voting will also be available until the 31st.The MGA Awards will be held at the Incheon Southeast Gymnasium on the 6th of next month.

Wanna One (Wanna One), who will come back on the 19th of next month, will show a new stage at the 2018 MBC Plus X Genie Music Awards (MGA) ahead of the comeback.

Wanna One will unveil a new combination of units on stage next month,” the MGA said on Wednesday. Wanna One will find fans in a different combination than the combinations that have been seen on stage before the new album comeback.

After the girl group Twice announced that it would release the new stage for the first time through MGA, Wanna One will also be interested in MGA as music fans decide to release a new unit stage through these Awards.

The Awards MGA, co-hosted by MBC Plus and Genie Music, is attracting attention because it is the first collaborative Awards of broadcasters and music platform companies to be tried. Tickets opened on the 18th through auction tickets have attracted the attention of music fans, such as achieving all-round sales at the same time as the reservation starts. Voting will also be available until the 31st.

The MGA Awards will be held at the Incheon Southeast Gymnasium on the 6th of next month.