The world was cruel to women, and when she drank, she beat him, and left him, leaving him behind, and by eighteen years he had stabbed a man with broken glass to fight sexual assault. The world was scratched and splintered in each place.
One day a child appeared in front of a woman who had closed her mind as if she had abandoned herself. The boy was trembling in the dark at the end of the desolate alley, his clothes, his hair, his hair, his skinny bruises, the cold winter night, his breath frozen. She looked away, but she looked out into the darkness and reached for him. She held out her hand. “Nothing I can teach you, nothing I can give you.
The film Miss Back (released on the 11th) gives thoughtful care to the sympathy of the wounded two souls. The story of Han Ji-min, who has been hiding himself in the title Miss Back, meeting and healing each other with a abused child, Ji-eun (Kim Si-a) is drawn. “I felt sorry for the injured ivory and Author, so I wanted to hug him warmly,” said Han Ji-min, 36, who met at a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Seoul on the 2nd. The voice was filled with the warmth of her heart, which had been a strong Miss Back.
To express the ivory, Han Ji-min rewinded the past time of the ivory that was not included in the scenario and built it up inside. After being abandoned by her mother, she asked herself how she lived alone, how was life branded as a criminal, and what was her feelings about detective Jang-seop (Lee Hee-joon), who is hovering around her side. “If you don’t fully accept the ivory, even if you swear and smoke in the play, it wouldn’t have looked like an ivory,” Han Ji-min said.
The ivory in the eyes of Han Ji-min was “a child who grew up unprotected and grew up.” “The feelings for Ji-eun would have been a solidarity, not a maternal one.” “I don’t think she was as happy as she was when she took her hand. I might have been scared inside, even though I told him to go with me because I thought he was not perfect. It was a long time since I filmed the scene where the ivory faced his past from the ivory and then talked to Jang-seop about his mother and cried out. "
Miss Back stems from past experiences and guilt that director Lee Ji-won failed to help a child next door who was suspected of being abused. The camera captures how poor and convenient the protection net of our society is. Saving the ivory and the jin in the movie is a chain of solidarity that leads to Jangseop and Jangseop's sister (Kim Sun-young).
“We can’t Choices our parents when we’re born, but if the system and the law work properly, this won’t happen, and we shouldn’t ignore it even if it’s uncomfortable. So it’s important to be interested, and I hope that the power of the film will help to bring reality to life, because it can bring about a change by gathering and gathering interested Sights.”
Miss Back, who met in the middle of her thirties, was left a seal on Han Ji-min, who also said, "I have the courage not to hesitate when I do any Choices in the future." The time I lived in the ivory seemed to have kept Han Ji-min firmly. “I feel like I’ve changed a lot these days, even hearing about chatter. I changed my eyes on the work. I used to be a Jericho and unstable. At the beginning of his debut, he acted with the idea of wanting to be a little less troubled, and once he was ashamed to find himself repeating similar acting tone even though he was different. He couldn’t live the present because he was obsessed with the past and afraid of the future.”
The TVN drama 'Knowing Wife', which was recently released, was also a work like Soft drink to Han Ji-min. I got the sympathy of viewers by realistically drawing the reality of women who are hit by childcare, housework and work. “This drama has released the thirst for telling a realistic story,” he said. “I realized that even similar characters can depend on how the actor plays.”
Han Ji-min's next step will lead to the JTBC drama 'Snow Blind' with Kim Hye-ja, the presidential candidate. “I’m so honored and I have a desire to do well,” Han Ji-min said. "Let's live the present" was wondered what "current" would be like by Han Ji-min, who has the motto.
'Miss Back' Han Ji-min in the movie