'nct127' meets Hollywood top model Tiara Banks
"nct127" stepped on the 2018 American Music Awards (hereinafter referred to as the 2018 AMA) Red Carpet at the United States of America's Microsoft Corporation Theater at 4 p.m. on the 9th.
nct127 enjoyed a pleasant photo time with Banks on the day, pleasantly responding to Banks' demand for top model poses, and also showing off the new song "Regular" choreography on the spot.
Local interviews were also poured in: a focus spotlight on the Newcomers group, which is noted by United States of America. He conducted interviews with Ellenshaw, E News and Access Hollywood.
The members' manners were also outstanding: Mark, Johnny and Reenactment led the interview with English language. Tae Yong, Win Win, Doyoung, Hae Chan, Taeil, Jung Woo, Utah, etc., have uploaded 'AMAs' atmosphere with pleasant reaction.
Meanwhile, nct 127 has completed a successful United States of America promotion. Starting with the 90th Anniversary of Mickey Mouse concert, he appeared in Jimmy Kimmel Live! and Good Day LA to confirm his popularity.
A domestic comeback is also set to be released on Wednesday, with the new album "EnCity #127 Regular - Irregular" (nct #127 Regular - Irregular). He will begin his career with the title song "Regular".
"Nice to meet you, nct127."
"Let's pose a model?"
"Regular Challenges."
"A pleasant meeting."