Time Kim Jung-hyun and Seohyun are showing off their affectionate bed Couple shots, which is exploding their curiosity.
Kim Jung-hyun and Seohyun played the roles of Chun Suho, the man who wants to stop Time, and Ji County and Shanxi, the woman left alone in the stopped Time, respectively in MBC's new tree drama Time (played by Choi Ho-cheol and director Jang Jun-ho). Suho, who was sentenced to the deadline in the play, is trying to find 'truth' for Ji County and Shanxi by keeping the sister of the woman who died because of herself, Ji County, Shanxi, and Ji County and Shanxi started to go dark after knowing the truth about the sudden death of their sister and mother. It is making the house theater sad by putting the sad fate of 'the soul Couple'.
Especially in the last 19th and 20th broadcasts, Ji County and Shanxi (Seohyun), who saw the interview video of Suho (Kim Jung-hyun), visited Min Seok (Kim Jun-han) and heard everything about the event of the day. Ji County and Shanxi, who appeared in a 180-degree change, told Suho that they wanted to live in a world where people live in money, and then told Suho, who was married to Chae (Hwang Seung-eun). We "proposed that the intention was unknown, and the tension was raised.
Kim Jung-hyun and Seohyun are lying on a bed and are attracting attention because they are caught in a scene where they produce a solid figure reminiscent of a newlywed Couple. Suho, Ji County, and Shanxi in the play are lying side by side on the bed with a happy smile. Suho, who has not had much Time left, and Ji County and Shanxi, who are trying to walk a different Time from before, are curious about what kind of opportunity they have introduced the force of a friendly Couple.
Kim Jung-hyun and Seohyun's bed Couple shot was filmed on the MBC set in Yeouido, Seoul on the 22nd. As the 'Tianshin Couple', which had many twists and turns to find the truth, showed its first close-up appearance, the staff as well as the staff were ready to shoot with excitement.
Kim Jung-hyun and Seohyun, who entered the rehearsal, carefully checked the pose on the bed to the complicated subtle expression and made efforts for the perfect Couple shot of Suho, Ji County and Shanxi. Especially, the staff of the two romantic Couple shots, which were first developed in the play, were glad to see the "Bling Bling Chemie explosion scene".
“The moment of the peak of Suho, who is unfamiliar with the blackened Ji County, Shanxi, Ji County, and Shanxi, but silently follows without saying anything,” the production team said. “I am asking for the expectation of whether the heavenly Couple, who faced the truth but is frustrated with the reality that they can not do anything, will be able to get married and what Time will flow in front of the two people.” ...
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