Talk show MC James Corden, who represents United States of America, sent a Love call to BTS again.
James Corden recently tagged BTS on his SNS and said, "I hope BTS will come to my show and show 'Serendipity' performance. Maybe I can hear BTS songs at the Carpool Karaoke. "
'Serendipity' is a solo song by Jimin, a member of BTS' recent repackaged album 'Love Yourself Resolution Ancer'. Domestic and foreign fans as well as overseas famous musicians are also praising 'Sereendity'.
James Corden invites BTS to his talk show sign corner 'Carpool Garaoke'. Already BTS has appeared on "The James Corden Show" twice, but the "Carpoolgaraoke" segment is inexperienced.
This corner is a format in which James Corden invites Celebs to run and sing and talk on the road. Ami fans at home and abroad who watched James Corden's tweet are pouring hot reactions in hopes of appearing on BTS.
Meanwhile, BTS' repackaged album, released on the 24th, sold more than 860,000 copies in a week. The title song 'IDOL' swept the top of the top charts in 66 countries and regions including United States of America, Canada and the UK.
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