"Surprise She" Lee Su Wan "Datetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Turning to the "Desperate" I've prepared harder."

Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Lee Su Wan, 42, is still more familiar to the public with the modifier 'Surprise He'. He is a musical actor, choreographer, MC, singer, actor, and now he is in the job of Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show.
Lee Su Wan has designed a second life with the Home Shooting Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show since December 2016. I think it is regrettable that the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show, which has been in the third year, is still called 'Surprise He'. He shook his head: "I'm just grateful for your interest. Also, unless you are a enthusiast who enjoys Home Shopping, you may not know the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show, which is known by name. There is a part that helps when you broadcast a character. "
He made his debut with the musical "Broadway 42nd Street" in 1999 and worked as a choreographer until he was a re-star in 2002. "In 2001, I was on the side of determining who was the real dance instructor in the SBS entertainment program "Truth Game." The production team asked me to do only improv choreography on the program concept. There’s a Memory that’s been laughing for an hour.”
He is a veteran actor who has been active in MBC 'Mysterious TV Surprise' for 11 years. He also appeared in the drama 'The Woman's Choices', 'Gumiho Abduction', 'The Strongest Chilwoo', and ' In 2013, I made a comma in my acting life to change my life and do more heartbreaking work, but after establishing my position as a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show, I expressed my possibility of acting again at any time. "I want to play, but I can not afford to disperse my schedule yet. But I want to visit the actor again when I become the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show. "
At 40 years old, he vowed to transform into a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show, a job that helps with his broadcast experience in 2016. It was not easy for anyone to do a new Top Model at a time of disbelief, and it was a time when it became economically difficult after being scammed, but the more silent it was. Lee Su Wan recalled his mindset at the time, saying, "I did not have anything in my hand and I was in a desperate situation, so I worked harder.
I became a practice worm to memorize all 100 features of the product, and in the interview room I thought that the moment I saw people was the beginning and wanted to make a good impression. After three interviews, he was informed of the final acceptance of the school completion ceremony, which was the total number of applicants, but he was included in the list of eight finalists. "I got a pass-in call while I was at a dinner with the students. I had a friend who heard about it.
Any job has its own challenges. So did the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show activity he felt. Especially, it is difficult for him to broadcast new products that are unfamiliar to consumers, or to broadcast products that are not common for men such as women's wear and curtains. In addition, due to the nature of live broadcasting, the movement line that is tailored to the rehearsal is going in the other direction, and it is embarrassing, and the broadcast deliberation is strict and the word Choices should be more concerned.
Lee Su Wan said, "When I feel strong, I think of the Memory I had forgotten, like Memory, which was hard to get rid of when I first acted. Whatever you do, it's hard for you at first. "I am so relieved that it will be good after time."
He has been so supportive and advanced, and he has recently heard a powerful word: "The PD who works together came to me after the broadcast and said, 'I think my skills have improved a lot. "I was impressed," he said. "I also explained that I was confident after 15 minutes of broadcasting alone, which maximizes the order of viewers, which is called" pulling the call ". "It was tense, but it was fun, too, and I thought, 'I did this alone and I can do a program that two people take on.'"
Lee Su Wan's diverse acting experience has become one of the competitive roles in acting as the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show. Re-Ment, a uniform "order on mobile" that flows from any Home Shopping channel, is transformed into a vocal simulation or a famous ambassador that fits in his ears through his mouth. "One day, when you heard my Re-Ment, I laughed so much that I put my head on the table, and I want to make the product introduction humorous without hardness."
Lee Su Wan is in the midst of preparing a program called 'Mysterious Shopping Surprise', which will be broadcasted first in early July with the motive Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Park Chae-rin. "I gave the company a chance to make a fun broadcast. I aim to make it stable while giving it fun. I will show you a frank and fresh look without pretending to be there. "He also said that he would show off the contest.
What can he say to those who dream of the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show or prepare another Top Model? Lee Su Wan said with a serious look, "When I do my best, I have a moment when I exceed my own limitations. I have mastered the most hated tap dance choreography in three weeks to pass the musical audition. " "Even if the competition rate is high, there will be few people who will pass, and if you think that I can do well among the people who are notable, there will be good results."
Finally, Lee Su Wan said that he had a belief that he should stick to reality rather than keep a distant future in mind. "Life sometimes does not go as planned. I live with the idea of 'Let's work hard every day of the broadcast.' When I look back, I got a chance when I did my best. I will show you how to grow up as the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show while maintaining this mindset. "