Actor Jung Woo-sung spoke of his thoughts about making social remarks; he confessed that he seemed to have made his Voice to me after the MV Sewol incident.
Jung Woo-sung has recently been walking the Xiao Xin, including revealing political Xiao Xin and attending MV Sewol related films. He also has a social Voice, such as revealing his thoughts on refugee issues.
Jung Woo-sung said, "From a moment I think that I started to make Voice, maybe it was related to MV Sewol." "I am sorry as an older generation, and my generation of actors among our actors will have a big emotional debt and debt to their young friends."
Jung Woo-sung said, "What kind of Voice we should pay is the homework given by MV Sewol. I thought that we should act naturally without silence. "As we went through the dictatorships that passed, we were tamed to silence. It was framed as a red when talking against the regime, and the people were tamed by the silent saying that they should concentrate on eating and living without political interest. "
He said, "It is natural to talk about the hardships in society and to say what I want from the political circle. There was a past time when I had to be careful and not be able to do that."
Meanwhile, in this Jung Woo-sung special exhibition, a total of 12 films will be screened to give a glimpse of Jung Woo-sung's movie life. In addition, a variety of Events will be held during the festival, including Mega Talk, commemorative booklet publication, exhibition, OST concert including the theme song of Jung Woo-sung, and limited edition souvenirs inspired by his films.
Bucheon (Gyeonggi): Kim Mi-hwa