Group BTS was named 'The 25 Most Influential People on the Internet' by the United States of America Weekly Time (TIME) in Digital marketing.
Time published an article on "The 25 Most Influential People in Digital marketing" on Friday and released a list of 25 people, including BTS, Donald Trump United States of America President, Kanye West and Rihanna.
BTS was selected as the only Korean to be selected for the second consecutive year until last year.
"This year is the fourth time we have selected and announced the most influential person in Digital marketing, and we have reviewed the overall impact and ability to create news on social media," Time said.
"The five-year-old BTS has been growing in the World," Time said. "We released our own United States of America by releasing LOVE YOURSELF 'Tear', which was the number one player on the Billboard 200 this year. This is the highest record ever for a K-pop album. "
"The hidden Consent of BTS success is a passionate social fan named 'Amy', who consumes everything related to BTS, from tweets to videos," he said.
Finally, Time said, "BTS has topped the Billboard social 50 charts for more than 89 weeks, won the top social artist award for the second consecutive year at the Billboard Music Awards, overtaking Justin Bieber." "We have solidified our position on BTS by collecting more than 50 million followers with steady social media use of each member."