Ju Min-gyeong, "'Pretty Sister' casts goldsmith, thanks to director Ahn Pan-seok's asterisk four years ago."

"Actor who got 'star tag' by director Ahn Pan-seok, a pretty sister who buys rice well."
It was inevitable that actor Ju Min-gyeong met "a pretty sister who buys rice well" (hereinafter referred to as a pretty sister). Four years ago, he applied for an actor audition through the first drama of his career, Secret Affair; the results were dropped at the time. But Ju Min-gyeong still vividly remembers the moment when director Ahn Pan-seok told the director to "start the star."
Twenty five Ju Min-gyeong lasted five years, supporting the moment. At that time, 'Autumn Table' gave him the first work called Yunaa Street', and after a long wait, he met 'a pretty sister who buys rice well'. He is known more as 'Golden Daeri' than his real name Ju Min-gyeong in this work. He showed off his unique presence in 'Pretty Sister'. Ju Min-gyeong, who appeared as the heroine Yoon Jin-ah (Son Ye-jin) company's motive Geum Bo-ra, changed into a three-dimensional character as the drama unfolded.
Armed with bluntness, she became more active than anyone when she learned the secret love of Yoon Jin-ah and Seo Jun-hee (Jeong Hae-in) as a chance, and she became a "character of the best" of viewers by demonstrating her loyal companionship to help him when his colleague Yuna Jin-a, who was not interested in his work, was caught up in the MeToo incident.
In the drama, Kim Dae-ri was loved by viewers as much as the main actor. Viewers would have liked to see Seo Jun-hee in the drama and "I wish I had such a younger boyfriend." At the same time, I would have liked to see Kim Dae-ri and "I wish I had a colleague like that." Ju Min-gyeong said about this work, "I honestly thought I was auditioning and I did not believe that I survived until the end."
"I wonder if there is a character who can receive people's trust and love like this, and it seems that everyone was encouraged and comforted, although it is not their own work as Geum Bo-ra. I also thought that if I had such a friend, I would be able to do my job well. "
Ju Min-gyeong entered the actor's path five years ago, five on Twitter. After graduating from high school in Korea, he went to France and majored in art both in bachelor's and master's degrees. Then, I thought that I wanted to embody my dream of being an actor who had been vague since I was a child, and I suddenly chose to go to Korea ahead of preparation for my master's thesis.
“I liked to experience different things. France was free to be a national transfer. I moved to cities every semester, hoping to live in cities. I had a chance to shoot a video, and I found a really free day in front of the camera. I wanted to try it. My family was so opposed that I gave up and lived, but I did not want to close my dream with the recall of "I had such a dream once." I wanted to hit it. So I came to Korea at the age of five and went to audition with all kinds of part-time jobs. "
The first audition I met was "Secret Affair" by director Ahn Pan-seok, who said: "From the beginning, I got an opportunity to audition for a masterpiece, and I was really shaken. I thought I was not good, but Ahn said to my profile, 'State it.' I thought it was a greeting because I was sitting in front of me, but the movie "Yunaa's Street" was connected to the suggestion of the director of Secret Affair' at the time. Ahn, who looked at me at the moment of the moment, is really a silver person. "Glenunga was moistened.
“Son Ye-jin’s name is Feelings, which moistens Glenunga and turns into a goldsmith, and I’m thinking of tens of thousands of words, but I don’t know what to say. After the last Jeju Island shooting, I cried with my senior in my arms. Thank you very much. I really loved Jin-ah. Frankly, there were too many things to be missed in my acting, but it is Feelings completely covered with your reaction or acting ability while with Son Ye-jin. I was really nervous because I was the first breath with the presidential election, but I embraced it at any moment, and when I was NG, I made a comfortable atmosphere so that I did not shrink. "
Actor Ju Min-gyeong entered the actor's path and vowed to "never give up five years in the future." Thanks to the 'pretty sister' who met at the end of the abandonment, he laughed that he had renewed his five-year contract.
"I am grateful for the love I have received through this work, but I still have a lot of experience and I have a lot to learn. I will be a good actor who can keep up with positive energy, and I will be a good person. "
Photos: JTBC