Drama, which started at 3%, showed a surge to 6% from the end of last month, and in the last episode, it recorded its highest level of 7.4% (Nilsen Korea). CJ E & M ranked first in the content impact index and Good Data Corporation's TV topic evaluation Drama category ranked first.
Although there were many words due to the Lolita Complex, Women's Violence, and The Witnessing Controversy at the beginning of the broadcast, My Uncle is recognized as another luxury Drama with high ratings and topicality. The IU is considered to be the driving force behind this Drama show.
IU, who lives a life that is disconnected from the world, did not say much, but spread his emotions with his eyes and facial expressions, and viewers praised the natural Acting of IU and gave an evaluation that it was "different".
IU, which started Acting with Drama 'Dream High' in 2011, has appeared in 'Best Da Yi Sun Shin', 'Pretty Man', The Producers', 'Lovers of the Moon - Bobo Sensei', but it was difficult to choose his masterpiece. The IU succeeded in creating a representative work of 'Jata' through 'My Uncle'.
Thanks to this, we have been reminded of popular popularity again, and we have been proud of star power by signing additional contracts with the success of Drama beyond the existing 5 ~ 6 advertising models.