Gagwoman Sim Jin-hwa has a pleasant time with Lee Hee-won and Han Yu-ra.Sim Jin-hwa posted several photos on his instagram on the 26th.Sim Jin-hwa, Ahn Jung-hwan wife Lee Hee-won, and Jin Young-don wife Han Yu-ra is showing off her beautiful beauty together and taking a self-portrait. Especially, the recent situation of her twin mother Han Yu-ra, who has appeared for a long time, attracts more attention. Sim Jin-hwa said, "Two wives of her husband who went abroad with a bunch ( My husband and wife from the American show. Honey, we met to comfort each other. "Ahn Jung-hwan and Jin Young-don seem to have gone abroad to shoot JTBC's" I have to unite ". Meanwhile, Sim Jin-hwa married comedian Wonhyo Kim in 2011 and recently lost 15kg on diet. = Sim Jin-hwa Instagram