Actor Kim Sung-ryung is attending a reporting session on the movie "Believer" held at CGV Shinsa-dong in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the morning of 19th.
The movie "Believer" is a criminal drama depicting the war of a strong person spreading the entity of a ghost drug organization that dominates Asia.
Cho Jin-nun, Ryujunjol, Kim Sung-ryung, Bakhhejun, Cha Seung-won, late Kim Joo-hyuk and others will appear and will be released on the coming May 24th.
The movie "Believer" is a criminal drama depicting the war of a strong person spreading the entity of a ghost drug organization that dominates Asia.
Cho Jin-nun, Ryujunjol, Kim Sung-ryung, Bakhhejun, Cha Seung-won, late Kim Joo-hyuk and others will appear and will be released on the coming May 24th.