Park Ji-Young, Peritoneal and lymph node cancer cell metastasis after ovarian cancer The Judgment...model new life after overcoming (Great Legacy)

Senior model Park Ji-Young has released a recent update to overcome ovarian cancer and design a second life. On the 14th of September, the story of Park Ji-Young's life, which made the survival rate 10% 100%, got on the air. He appeared as a protagonist who slowed down the aging clock and passed on to the Danger of Death, explaining why he made his debut as a model at the age of 51. Ten years ago, Park Ji-Young, who underwent ovarian cancer The Judgment and underwent a major Danger due to metastasis of cancer cells to the peritoneum and lymph nodes. Based on his sincere treatment, he continued to exercise for more than three years, restored his physical strength, and began modeling to regain his lost confidence. Park Ji-Young said, "When I first started modeling, it was hard to get my posture and gait right, but I was doing my best because I could see my body getting pretty and I was told that it was cool around me. . His recent health checkup showed that all the figures were normal and his body was well balanced. Park Ji-Young, who started boxing after suffering from ovarian cancer, said, "Boxing is a charming exercise that is more fun as the exercise effect is bigger, so I enjoy it more than twice a week. . Park Ji-Young, who has worked tirelessly to overcome ovarian cancer and prevent recurrence, could also find traces of that effort at his table. He said that he often eats duck meat with a variety of vegetables for each meal. ⁇ He realized that our health could change depending on what food we eat, and then he changed his eating habits. I changed my diet and my mind became clearer and my body became lighter. I emphasized the importance of proper eating habits.