The Hong Kong star couple broke up after six years of dating. According to a number of foreign media outlets on the 13th (local time), Hong Kong's singer and actor Chae Tak-yeon! (40) broke up with his male Friend Shung Chong. The two of them have been dating for over six years, introducing each other's families and developing into a semi-cohabitation relationship, but eventually parted. It is said that the reason for the Breakup of the two is a windy air of the Siegun. Also, Chae Tak-yeon! and Siegun had different views on marriage and had no choice but to Breakup. According to sources, Siheng Chong frequented nightclubs and held private meetings with female Friends. On the other hand, Chae Tak-yeon! devoted most of his time to Shiheongchong, besides his daily promise, and had no other meeting with his marriage in mind. However, it has been known that he has acted dishonestly whenever Chae Tak-yeon! Is abroad. It has also been speculated that he has a close relationship with a characteristic female entertainer in the industry due to his usual windy air. Chae Tak-yeon! Was told that it was difficult to find a new spouse and tried to maintain the relationship. Nevertheless, through many acquaintances recently, I learned that Sihongchong was surrounded by female entertainers and rumors, and I had no choice but to end the relationship. Chae Tak-yeon! has been traveling for three months to relax after Breakup.He traveled to Thailand with his family in May and recently traveled to Switzerland with his mother. After returning to Hong Kong, he traveled to Korea with his close Friends. On the other hand, Chae Tak-yeon!, a singer metaphase division, secretly married in 2006, and later announced his divorce at the same time he acknowledged the marriage of the metaphase division in 2010. In the same year, Chae Tak-yeon! Revealed their devotion to their agency's junior singer Jin Wi-jung, but they announced Breakup in 2015.