An Seong-il is always unfair. There was no, And the truth is, (Career) comes. And besides, I don't care about the lawsuit. 'Is it possible to revive the memory of An Seong-il and? First of all, it's the lineup for the 2017 Korea Festival. At that time, he attended KMF as a member of the "Clark County School District" (An Seong-il representative). On September 30, 2017, when I'm in the middle of a fight with "Fortune" (Lee Jin-young representative), should I interpret it as "a coincidence" or "affinity" if not "intervention"? I had to go back to Fortune. In February 2017, The injunction request That's enough. Instead, he began an affair, singing in the arms of the Clark County School District. ' secured court testimony from employees of the Clark County School District. How did you come to know him? Did you go to KMF in 2017? (KMF) Were you with him at the scene? An employee of Seong-il's agency will perform his duties I emphasized that I did not see management work. Is the person next to you a witness? An Seong-il company employee helped (in the event of a conflict) with a local performance of "The Bodyguard." This employee added a reason to be sincere about the pickup. "Fortune promised to give me the Settlement document if I returned the personal Best Doctors' passbook, but contrary to my promise, once I received the personal Best Doctors' passbook, I went to Lead the full amount" (). The personal passbook I'm talking about here is a bankbook for receiving a broadcasting company fee. At the time, the broadcaster deposited the singer's fee into his personal Best Doctors account, meaning that Fortune managed both the 'corporate account' and the () 'personal account' at the same time. Said in a statement that he described Fortune as a "dine and dash": "Leading the entire amount of money in his personal account." But Fortune's position is different; rather, he retorted, "I almost got eaten." "During this injunction, I took money out of my performance fee account. I sent 10 million won to my mother, Jeong, and spent 1.5 million won personally. I touched money that was not settled without the company's consent," said Fortune. In fact, the money (in the bankbook) is the money that the company and the singer should divide by 5: 5. I rearranged it with the timeline. January 25 to February 1, 2017: , (Expenditure) Lead 11.5 million won in passbook. February 8, 2017: Injunctive relief. February 21, 2017: Fortune sends proof of content to "give the money back." February 23, 2017: , depositing 10 million won. However, 1.5 million won short of... On March 13, 2017, Fortune led all of the money in the balance (as claimed) and asked why. "I delayed my return day by day. I was worried that I might be able to take money out of my account again. This is money that I shouldn't touch at will. So I led the money in my balance and kept it separate," Fortune said. The reason for the breakup was the 'Settlement problem'. Why didn't Fortune settle? The important thing here is, the point of view. Fortune's last Settlement date was September 13, 2016. He also asked to terminate the contract at the end of October of that year. Fortune had no choice but to hold Settlement gold. Who won? It's a win for Fortune, but he didn't come back. Instead, I'm going to ask for an unpaid Settlement, and the second round with Fortune is back on. On March 24, 2017, a Fortune official sent a Kakaotalk message to . This is the reply I sent to Fortune on March 25th. "The injunction itself was about the termination of the contract, and did not you refute it to maintain the contract?" If the injunction is made, the contract seems to be maintained regardless of my choice. I've been talking about Settlements since before the injunction, and you're talking about liability for damages in the injunction, so you can't say that you didn't have sales during the injunction. I know it was deposited after the end of the musical, but the amount has not been settled yet. "Without any support at present, 50% of the Settlement will be settled as written in the contract? "It's almost a conditional that Settlement is possible depending on whether the contract is maintained or not, but the musical also said, "If you do not extend it for six months, you will not be able to support the musical." It is a battle of spears and shields; Hook stabs "Money comes first", and Fortune stops "Return comes first". In April of 2017, Fortune filed a claim for damages, and he knew he would not come back. "In August of that year, he filed a lawsuit against the entertainment business. The court accepted some of his position that he shouldn't interfere with his entertainment. However, it is concluded that the (hold) Settlement money is not paid. Finally, the silver vocal cord nodule was also blamed on Fortune. "I had to digest an excessive schedule even though the polyp had developed in the vocal cords like life for the singer." () However, in March 2017, we are talking about a different story. "And Lee Jin-young representative's conversation. :: :: 'I checked the schedule of the event. I ran three days in 2013, 51 days in 2014, 89 days in 2015, and 70 days in 2016, an average of 6 to 7 times a month and 1.5 times a week. Lastly, I thanked you. "Since then, there has been a lot of help from artists who have hoped for entertainment activities in the right environment rather than the immediate interests, and we are striving to continue to be more authentic and meaningful than anyone else to repay them." Let's read the meaning between the lines.