Harim, who appeared on MBN ⁇ Dollsing Written 4 ⁇ , revealed the reason for divorce with her ex-husband. On July 30th, ⁇ Dollsingggles 4 ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ Dollsing men and women in the United States ⁇ Dewey, Kikoriki, Benita, Sora, Jerome, Jimmy, Jisu, Tom, Harim and HeeJin gave divorce Sayew on the first night. On this day, Harim said, "My ex-husband believed in a certain religion. I did not know about the religion and got married. My ex-husband came out of the religion and my family is all that religion. I am a very free person, and strangers are trying to control my life. When Tom asked if he had any idea about religion, Harim said, "I only heard the name, but I am an open mind, so I can have something like that." I thought, "I did not know it deeply." In addition, Harim blamed me a lot because my son 's life was out of order because I did not believe in the religion. "My parents were old and thought of Ye Olden Days as Korean. Ye Olden Days, as well as the rules of this religion, was mixed with Korean culture, and it became very unfair to women. "