Hyundai Mee's Mortuary was set up in the funeral room 1 of Chung-Ang University Hospital in Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul on April 7th. The funeral will be held for five days from this day to 11th as the chief of the korea Singers association. The funeral committee was chaired by the korea Singers association auditor Suh Soo-nam and the funeral committee was chaired by the board of directors of the association. In Mortuary, a portrait of Hyun Mee with a bright smile was placed. a portrait of the deceased picture was followed by A wreath from President Yoon Suk-yeol in the morning. In front of the Mortuary, there was a lot of harmony from the deceased's colleagues and music industry officials, including Singer Lee Mi-ja and Na Hoon-ah. Junior Singer Ha Chun-hwa also sought a funeral; Ha Chun-hwa broke down in tears during a retrospective of the late Hyun Mee's life. He said, "I was so active that I should have been born as a man, and I could not doubt my health among my seniors. I still do not realize it, but I thought it was more than a hundred years old. "" I am so sorry and unhappy, but I want you to be at ease in heaven as you sang in Lee Seung. " On the other hand, Hyun Mee's admission will be held on the 8th, and the arrival will be confirmed at 10 am on the 11th.