Cha Joo-Young was wearing a Wedding Dress and received a broken engagement notice and miso-heated. Jang Se-jin (Cha Joo-Young) went to wear a Wedding Dress in KBS 2TV weekend drama ⁇ The Real One Has Appeared! ⁇ 6 times (playwright Cho Jung-joo / director Han Jun-seo) I received a broken engagement notice. In order to prevent the divorce of his mother, Lee In-ok (Cha Chae-yeon), coma tried to marry Jang Se-jin, secretary of the silver room, at the command of Jomo Eun-sil (Kangbuja). Jang Se-jin said that he was the Father's Affair and told him to stay only as a formal couple. However, coma heard Jang Se-jin's phone conversation and was angry that Jang Se-jin was not Father's Affair and that he was going to hold himself by giving birth to a child when he got married. "I remember when I went to Jang Se-jin who went to pick up Wedding Dress and hanged a necklace and bought a necklace." "Oh really," he said. "Why did you think I did not know?" Lie, who was nursing all night, and Lie, who was called Father's Affair, did not think I knew? "The story of the show window." Why did you deceive me? I asked if you love me. Jang Se-jin repLied, "No, I'm glad you are not a coma." I do not know why you cheated to the end. "You thought the world was yours because you were wearing expensive dresses." There is still a way. Find someone else. You're still pretty enough, I said. You are the one who broke the rules, so take responsibility. My relationship with you is completely over here, and I informed a broken engagement, and Jang Se-jin threw a necklace hanging from the coma and broke the mirror and miso-heated the anger.