In the TV Chosun Saturday drama "The Red Balloon," which aired on the 26th, Han Sea (Hong Soo-hyun) forgave her best friEnd Cho Eun-gang (Seo Ji-hye) for having an Affair with her husband Ko Cha-won (Lee Sang-woo). Sea, who had filed a lawsuit against the river, found out that the river had told the Sea to End the relationship long before the Affair was discovered. In response, Sea removed the Affair accusation banner that her mother, Yeo Min-hee (played by Lee Sang-woo), hung at the School where Eun-gang was going to work. Sea said to her mother, "Would you have done this if Eun-gang had grown up in a rich family like me? I thought it would be nice to get revenge, but it's not good at all. I'm going crazy. This is not it." Eun-gang, who saw this, handed in his resignation after class on the first day of his teacher's work. Sea went to the river from the School, and the river said, "I wanted to show you this first. I went to work for the first time today. How do you feel?" "How hard is this situation for you? It all started because of my crooked desire. "I do not write a response to the lawsuit. I will be punished as you want." Eun-gang said, "I thought I wouldn't be able to hold this hand again. Your heart is enough. I can't forgive myself. I think I'll have to punish myself for being stupid. So I'll stand again. I won't struggle to catch a balloon that will fly now." The time I spent with you in the most beautiful time until I met at seventeen and thirty-seven was the happiest and brilliant. "The world is now spring, and there will be no spring again in my life." Sea grabbed the hand of the river and cried. Eun-gang disappeared, leaving a letter to his family saying, "Don't worry, I'll be alive anywhere. I'm sorry." Sea came out of the court with a dimension and a consensus divorce, saying, "The breeze is a substitute. I admit that you are a better parent than me." The dimension said, "Meet whenever you want to meet. I'm going to Italy." Sea said, "I'm going to study and do business. I used to think it was strange for a divorced couple to meet like a friEnd. But I'm going to try it too. From today, I'm a boyfriEnd." The dimension grabbed Sea's hand and said, "Anytime you need help, let me know. Breezy mom. I'm sorry I hurt you." Sea has since made it as a world-class jewelry designer. Nam-chul watched a video of Eun-san saying his last goodbyes to him and recounted what he said, "Middle Bkeokma" (the important thing is the unbreakable mind). When Nam-chul came home from work, all the families of the antiquities dealer, Go Geum-ah, Princess Na (played by Yoon Mi-ra), Ji-woon (played by Cho Yeon-ho), and Ji-cheon (played by Ko Na-hee) greeted him with a buster and said, "Salute to the president! Have you been to the president?"