⁇ killer Jeon Do-yeon ⁇ Action I practiced a lot, ⁇ The Terminator ⁇ I was offered to appear, but I refused ⁇

The Netflix movie ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ...................................................... Gil Bok-soon"" is an action film that tells the story of legendary killer Gil Bok-soon (Jeon Do-yeon) in the contract killing industry who gets caught up in an inevitable Battle, dying or killing, just before renewing his contract with the company, and Seol Kyung-gu, Kim Si-ah, Lee Som, and Koo exchange are receiving high attention. Director Byun Sung-hyun did not give any kind of character or script to ⁇ Jeon Do-yeon, saying in Variety and Interview on the 18th (local time) that he had no particular intention other than to make something with the great Actor Jeon Do-yeon after ⁇ The Ides of March ⁇ . I just asked if I would do the next movie together. " He focused on how to utilize ⁇ Jeon Do-yeon, who is highly regarded for his acting but lives his mother's life, and created a story that reflects the dichotomy while watching ⁇ Jeon Do-yeon. She said she had done a lot of deep and meaningful films, and I wanted to tell a story that I had not done before. Jeon Do-yeon said, "All of my works are open to the public, but my privacy is kept secret." Director Sung-Hyun Byun said that he used to come to my house to observe me talking to my daughter. Then, after Secret Sunshine, I was stuck in a certain frame: darker, deeper, more serious works kept coming to me. I wanted to break through the border, but there was nothing I could do except wait for the right piece. " Jeon Do-yeon emphasized that he has done a lot of training for the killer character. Byun made it clear that when we created the storyboard, there had to be a long Action scene; the female Actor himself had to be there, because we would focus on the face of Jeon Do-yeon. She really had to go in there herself. Many of the scenes were very difficult and physically difficult, she said. I wanted to make a movie that looked like a graphic novel, because some of it was based on the previous movie, The Ides of March, and I wanted something fictional, but not too fantastical. Director Byun said, "The world of companies that hire killers from Zonwick has had an impact." But I wanted to give it a little Korean flavor. "The murderers in Zonwick are really cool. In the ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ , they are rougher, and they resemble a little more like the people you can meet every day. When asked about the prospects of the Korean entertainment industry, Byun said, "Korea content is loved by the world, and there are certainly many good contents in Korea. But the yearning and respect for my personal tastes is more of a content created in the early 2000s - that's actually what I'm eager to achieve. I also think that as time goes by, there will be more demand and higher standards for the quality of content coming from Korea. " After filming ⁇ Secret Sunshine ⁇ , Jeon Do-yeon got a phone call asking if he wanted to audition for ⁇ The Terminator ⁇ , but it wasn't easy because of the language barrier. I think the most important thing is what language I use and what dialogue I use with this character. I do not think I will participate in a global project. " 'Gil Boksoon' will be unveiled at the World Premiere of the Berlin Film Festival Special Division and will be released simultaneously to more than 190 countries through Netflix on March 31st.