Eun Ji-won (45), a former member of the group Sechs Kies, confessed why he divorced his ex-wife. Actor Ji-Young Min (44) and shopping host Kim Hyung-kyun (43) appeared in MBN entertainment "Hot hello!", a comprehensive programming channel that aired on the 14th. On this day, Eun Ji-won recalled his wife, Ji-Young Min Kim Hyung-kyun, saying, "My wife seems to like Husband very much." "It's like watching my old wife. It's similar." As for my ex-wife, she said, "I was a judo player. So it's really strong. When I was in Hawaii, when I was fighting men, my wife came and solved everything. "" I met marriage again in 13 years with First Love. " When Eun Ji-won was asked why he was divorced, he replied, "We thought of each other only because it was First Love. People would have changed anyway, but we can not admit it." "Even if I didn't say that, I thought to myself, 'Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this with the marriage?' We had a good ending. I wanted to go back to the way things were before I felt bad." Eun Ji-won said that he and his ex-wife had gotten along well after the divorce. He said, "After two years of being friends, we naturally stopped contacting each other, saying, 'This is not good for our future,' and we haven't contacted each other until now." After hearing this, Eugene said, "In fact, it does not matter if you continue to meet coolly in the United States of America." Eun Ji-won said, "It's too bad for a new woman or man. Earlier, Eun Ji-won had a marriage ceremony with Lee, a two-year-old who met in high school in United States of America Hawaii in April 2010. Lee is Eun Ji-won's First Love. However, in February 2013, divorce news was reported, and GYM Entertainment, a subsidiary of the company, said, "We have agreed to go our own way so that we can start a new life after experiencing difficulties in adapting to each other due to differences in personality." Eun Ji- Won said in an official position that he was divorced in August 2012. "I did not disclose the facts at the time of divorce so that the privacy of the ordinary person can be kept," he said. "Even now that the divorce facts are revealed, I hope that interest will not be amplified or sustained so that my daily life can be maintained as usual." Eun Ji-won, who revealed the reason for his divorce with his ex-wife in 10 years. Meanwhile, Eun Ji-won's ex-wife is reportedly the biological sister of former footballer Lee Dong-gook, 44, and wife Lee Soo-jin, 44.