Eli and Ji Yeon-soo have spoken out about their hearts about reunion.
In the TV Chosun 'We divorce 2' broadcast on the 6th, Ji Yeon-soo appeared in a two-piece swimsuit in front of Eli while Eli and Ji Yeon-soo were confessing the candid idea of reunition.
Eli and Ji Yeon-soo talked in front of the bonfire. Eli said, "At the end of this month, I have a lot of worries about going to United States of America." "I want to be next to Minsu." "I don't want to give Minsu the heart that Father is leaving, I don't want to stay that way," Eli said.
Eli said, "If I go in and get it all together, I will be a backbone again." He said about reality because he needs child support. "When you sort out the United States of America and come in, there are no specific alternatives to visa issues, job problems, and home problems; the mind understands," Ji Yeon-soo said.
"If I knew that Father was living in Korea, I would not be able to stabilize Minsu's mind," Eli said. Ji Yeon-soo said: "Usually, the divorce family lives in different homes but the child comes and goes, and now I have all the parental and custody of Minsu. I need protection because I am a minor, so I need my decision. "
"It's your choice anyway, I'm coming in because of Minsu," Eli explained. Ji Yeon-soo said, "You are coming in for Minsu, but I am important now." "Now I want to respect my life. When we say we live together, I’m a woman who lives with a divorce ex-husband, and I don’t even have the opportunity to meet someone. I wanted to remarry before I was 50," she said.
Ji Yeon-soo said: "If you come back from United States of America, I think it's a waste of time to live with a man with no feElings. I'm important, too," Eli said, "is it whether I come in and get a house separately or go in and live. I can look at Minsu."
Ji Yeon-soo asked, "Give me some time to decide," so Eli also nodded, who asked, "What do you want to do with me?" "If you come to Korea, you won't just accept it as Minsu Father, either find my place again or not," Ji Yeon-soo said.
Ji Yeon-soo cried, "If you come to me and leave again, I have no power to get up again." Then Ji Yeon-soo said, "If you accept me and leave again, I can not get up. That's why I became important," he said.
"I'm not leaving," Eli said. Ji Yeon-soo said, "I thought that I would have been happy for my life if I lived like this without any interference in my three family while you were here."
On the day, Ji Yeon-soo asked Eli, bluntly, "Do you like me?" Eli replied, "Yes" and grinned shyly, "I like someone, but why? "I have a reason," he said. "You have to know that."
Eli asked Ji Yeon-soo, "Do you like me?" but Ji Yeon-soo replied, "No," Eli said, "then you don't have to know why." The two had a good time, as they had in love. The next day, Eli and Ji Yeon-soo enjoyed a dip in the pool of the pansy.