"I can't eat it because I'm sorry": Hwang Jae-gyun, Ji-yeon thrilled by prepared tables, arms out of the picture

Baseball player Hwang Jae-gyun has certified his 'Miri honeymoon' with a smell of salt.
Hwang Jae-gyun posted a picture on his SNS story: the photo showed a table with rice, immaculate soup, kimchi and green pepper.
Hwang Jae-gyun said, "I can not eat because I am sorry." He left a message with Ji-yeon's SNS address, "I'll eat well." Ji-yeon certified the meal he prepared himself and responded with a loving thank you.
KT Wiz professional baseball player Hwang Jae-gyun revealed in February that he is in love with Ji-yeon, a girl group Tiara, and announced that he plans to marry in December this year. Since then, the two have often revealed Alconda Congruent Rubstargrams and have shared the daily life of Miri Ekibori Lover's Pre-married couple.