G-Dragon, Jenny Kim, was shocked by the enthusiasm for the opening ceremony...

Group BIGBANG leader G-Dragon posted a meaningful photo.G-Dragon uploaded a picture to his Instagram on the afternoon of the 31st without any comment.In the public photos, a strand of G-Dragons orange hair was cut off and placed on the table.The netizens who saw this were Did you cut your brothers hair?, It is worth the small intestine, Give me a hair, Finally short hair?Some netizens responded to the question of what kind of change they were.G-Dragon was recently involved in a split with Jenny Kim, who unfollowed their SNS accounts to guess the split between the two.BIGBANG, which G-Dragon belongs to, released a new song Spring Summer Autumn Winter in four years on May 5.

Group BIGBANG leader G-Dragon posted a meaningful photo.

G-Dragon uploaded a picture to his Instagram on the afternoon of the 31st without any comment.

In the public photos, a strand of G-Dragon's orange hair was cut off and placed on the table.

The netizens who saw this were "Did you cut your brother's hair?", "It is worth the small intestine," "Give me a hair," "Finally short hair? "Some netizens responded to the question of what kind of change they were.

G-Dragon was recently involved in a split with Jenny Kim, who unfollowed their SNS accounts to guess the split between the two.

BIGBANG, which G-Dragon belongs to, released a new song 'Spring Summer Autumn Winter' in four years on May 5.